Monday, January 21, 2008

Teacher Comment for Term 2

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Your blogger has recently shown vast improvement in regards completing his work-based assignments. However, though he makes improvements, he needs to finish these assignments quicker so that he will not spend so many hours outside of the allotted school day on them. In addition, he needs to make sure he is prepared for tomorrow at the end of each day so that he does not come to school feeling pressed for time. This, I believe, is the cause of the many migraines he’s been experiencing lately.

However, on a different note…he does have cool hair.

Sorry about this blog entry…I just spent four hours filling in standard reports for my class…I think I’ll kill myself now.


Julie said...

What?!?!? Leave your comment...I can't think of any other comments. They all were taken by standards reports. :)

Gerb said...

You can just skip Thumbelina's next time...hers probably took you past your limit.

summer said...

So much for that 'holiday' from school! I realized the other day that I only gave half of my preschool children their reports before Christmas...oh well, the other half don't know and I will write especially long messages to them at the end of our school year! Another reason I realized I like being my own boss! :)
(sorry this is not supposed to sound Ha, Ha! - I am very empathetic on this, I was there once too!)

Emily said...

Sorry about the other night, thanks for calling. I was mondo sick with humongous tonsils (awesome vocab, huH!?) but I hope you had fun. I miss you. and I love you. And you have my salad bowl and tongs!!!

Emily said... that Summer.......summer? My cousin Summer?!?! do you know her?!?!

Teachinfourth said...


Right back at ya with that...


It did.

Lord of Summer,

You could be again...


Oh bummer...I thought they were a housewarming gift. I hope you are feeling a bit better, we'll get together.

By the way, Summer and I met when we both taught together. I was supposed to tell you that I knew her, but as you can tell, I forgot. Sorry girls...

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