Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Last Day

Pin It What if it was your last day on Earth?

Funny that I should be blogging about this subject so early on a Saturday morning, especially when I stayed up so much later than I usually do on a Friday night.

When I awoke this morning from a somewhat restful night’s slumber, I felt the headache that had only started to sprout last night having matured into a full-fledged migraine. It pulsed, it throbbed, and it was awful. Yet, amidst it all, I had an anthem of sorts playing in and amongst the pain.

I took a helpful dose of a trusted migraine remedy, and stumbled to a hot shower. I let the drenchingly-warm water cascade over my head and down my back, slowly pulling away the hurt.

In about 15 or 20 minutes, the pain had almost fully subsided. I felt so much better.


The song with which I’d awoken in my head was still playing, and a blog post was already being written. What would I do if I woke up on a particular day and knew it was to be my last on Earth? It was startling, really, to think of being here one moment, and then not the next.

It was once said in Finding Neverland: “I suppose it's like the ticking crocodile, isn't it? Time is chasing after all of us…”

I had a lot of thoughts this morning on that subject, all of which simmered in my head, and most of which I choose not to share here. But it did leave me curious…what would you do? That is, if you knew that this was it? The final showdown? The last dogfight? The conclusion of the story? The moment right before the ending credits started rolling?

For me it was a sobering thought…now I’m off to do a little living.


Shannon said...

I think, for most of us, the logical would be in play - spend your last day close to as many loved ones as possible. I'm sure that this question frequents the mind more than any of us would care to admit, just like the "if I had a terminal illness, how would I carry out my last surviving days" query does. It is the morbid side of our free will catching up with us - reminding us that our life here is not forever. However, I think that you have posed a very wise solution to either scenario...go out and do a little living.

Richard & Natalie said...

I'm sorry about your migraine. I'm glad it has relented.

I think I would be amongst my loved ones trying to be the person I wanted them to remember; the person that too often, I am not.

Thanks for a good priority reminder. Enjoy your "living" today.

mamahasspoken said...

I would be like Shannon and spend the day with family. However I would spend the day doing things that I wouldn't do because it would be deam to dangerous or too physical for my bad back. I would go bunge jumping, sky diving, river rafting, Flight of Fear at a local amusment park. But then I think I would also try to squeeze in some of the things I find comfort in too: laying in the thick green grass, watching the clouds float above, swimming in a pool that no one else is in. Oh the list would be so long, there would be no way to get it all done in one day and I would have to request another day!

A Lark said...

Family, friends, people I love....that's what the day would be about. And if I were YOU I would be sure to call one of your amazing friends of 10+ years and talk to her..... (:

Gerb said...

It makes you think, doesn't it? This is a great reminder every now and again to live with gusto.

Glad your migraine dissipated quickly.

shoezimm said...

Part of me says to spend the day with family....but the other part whispers that I would find either a remote ocean beach and sit quietly, feeling the wind blow and listening to the crash of the surf....that or a secluded woodland where I could feel and hear the wind rushing through the trees. There are many different kinds of living...the best (I feel) are the moments of quiet reflection that bring about peace.

Rachel said...

I read a book recently where one of the characters tells another that we all have a terminal illness. It's called birth and none of us have very long to live.

'What About Bob'. "We're all gonna die!"

So, in a sense what you have just posted is true. Today is your last day because tomorrow never comes. The place is here, the time is now.

With that said, I guess I won't be doing anything differently than I've been doing because tomorrow never comes.....but today never ends......

This makes zero sense......What I'm trying to say is, I try to keep the bigger picture in mind. I may leave this earth....we all will. Earth is just a pit stop.

I do think hugs and I love you's would be a good thing to fill the day with.

Amy said...

Hmmmm...I don't know how I'd want to spend my last day. I know it's not cleaning the house, paying the bills or doing laundry. That's what I did today, so I better have tomorrow to think that one over!

Just SO said...

I would spend it with family and friends. Making sure that they knew that I loved them above all. Telling stories and laughing and crying. Hugging and laying my head on as many shoulders as I could telling each of them my favorite time or memory that I have of them. Asking for forgiveness....and forgiving. Telling them to enjoy life and keep on living but to keep my memory in the back of their minds.

mywest said...

I remember what Mom said to me...your going to miss me when I'm true it is.
I would hope that before this time came we would already have the love of family & friends. For me at this stage in my life I would be thankful for the life I've had and the love of family. I wouldn't want to leave my children but look forward to being with my wife for all eternity.

allison nadauld said...

snuggle up my family...

Farscaper said...

I would not spend the day traveling... unless we could just blink and be where we always wanted to be. Most of my family are 600+ miles away. A phone call would have to suffice for that part of my family.

To spend the day just hanging out with my little family enjoying their cuteness and being grateful for all the wonderful memories I already have stored. Spend the time memorizing things like the smell of my daughter's hair, the sound of each child's voice, etc.. Then again... I do that already.

We would sit at watch old videos of ourselves and flip through pictures. Pull out our favorite foods and have a HUGE munch/video party.

tammy said...

Plan my funeral. : )

Like everyone else, spend time with family. Maybe do something I wouldn't normally do, just for the thrill of it.

Unknown said...

Great post, Jason. I think these thoughts every time I hear that song. I don't think I'd want to know, really. What a weight. Instead, it's such an inspiration to live every day as if it were your last. That's living.

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