Tuesday, September 28, 2010

An Evening of Reading...

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I began to read long into the night.

I had no idea that what I needed to read was written especially for me.

You can read more HERE as today is my day over at Four Perspectives

Image shamelessly pilfered from: http://i.telegraph.co.uk simply because I was too lazy to go and take one myself.


Jamie said...

Well, now doesn't that just make you smile until your cheeks hurt? What a great kid and a way fun teacher! ;)

Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentleman! Give it up to Mr. Hilarious, Mr. Spectacular, the one and only..... MR. Z!!

Glad you got a little pick me up.

I'm thinking of all the hours I spend scrubbing toilets, floors, doing laundry, cooking meals, cleaning up after meals, and then falling into bed exhausted each night would be made better with a letter written like that!

Maybe if I was hilarious while I scrubbed bathrooms or was creative and spectacular while I did laundry the punks would think I was awesome too and want to grow up to be just like me!

Face it. When you're good, you're good. You take pride in your work and in your students and it shows. There's nothing wrong with that.

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