Sunday, March 30, 2008

Only because you asked

Pin It I’ve been asked several times for this, and I put off even looking for it.

However, I found it on accident.

Yes, I used to have long hair.

As I was rummaging about my basement office looking for something entirely different, I stumbled across a box I hadn’t seen for quite some time. I was instantly “sucked in,” looking at a lot of different items in that box. One of these items was a newspaper clipping from when I was in a play called “Gifts of the Magi” at the Woodland Theatre up in Kettle Falls, Washington.

As I was reading over the accompanying article, I found some photos of fellow cast members, but alas, none of yours truly with his hairstyle akin to Fabio’s. It’s strange, I remembered just how much I loved drama growing up and enjoyed being in productions. I don’t have the time to do it now, but it is fun to remember. As I looked at the photos of cast members from other productions, I found myself wondering just where they are now. What paths did they take in their lives? What kind of adult are they now?

I really miss some of those people.

The lady in the photo was a good friend of mine at the time, Kathy Blevins. I haven’t seen or heard from her for several years. We played every role in the play with the exception of the 4 leads. “City Him” and “City Her.” It was a fun production and I loved being in it. I still am haunted by the songs from that play as well…they take me back to another time and place when I think about them.

A time when I used to have long hair…

and liked it.


Anonymous said...

Its funny when we look back and wonder. Just looking at the guys in the band picture makes me miss those days. I am glad I did get to do a 20th year band reunion with them. And see your Dad!

Gerb said...

Your hair is still a bit long, just on top now... or is that considered 'tall' hair?

smalltoes said...

Long hair?? I have long hair and I like it too. Did you get my text on Saturday night about not being at work. Sorry I took the weekend off. It was so nice. Love your blog! Have a great day!

Julie said...

Plays definately hold some good memories in my life as well. It definately takes you back to another time and place to remeber those times. I was very lucky to do "The Wizard of Oz" and "Bye-Bye Birdie," and loved it. (My hair was long in those plays too!) :)

C. Jane Kendrick said...

And that is why we have the wonderful world of Facebook, to look up people who remembered us with our long hair (or hair at all, in some people's cases).

Emily said...

aha. ahahahahahahaha. ahahhahahahahahahahahah.

Teachinfourth said...

Kris - Isn't it amazing just how photos can do that for us? I'm also glad you were able to see Dad at your "reunion tour." It would have been fun to hear you guys play again...

Gerb - I think the P.C. term is "vertically gifted" hair.

Shay-Shay - I have thought about going back to it...but I don't know if I have the patience. As for CSZ, I did notice and missed seeing you. I'll be gone for the next three weekends so I'll be taking them off. I'll see you in about a month, o.k.?

Jewels - You were a drama geek too?! Whoa...we should start a club! Isn't is great some of the things we remember from those days?

Cjane - I guess I should feel grateful as all of my "boy cousins" from any of my mom's brothers are all bald right now...

Emmy - Yep, it was longer than yours at one time...

jacs said...

hmmm....can you say the wedding singer? did you ever wear a blue tux?

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