Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Media of the Week - Grand Rapids Awesomeness

Pin It When a Newsweek article was published online, it listed the top 10 dying cities—and Grand Rapids, Michigan was ranked at the bottom of the barrel. The local businesses and community members didn’t agree with this pronouncement and decided to band together to create a video that showed the type of place that G.R. really is.

Needless to say, I think they succeeded in their endeavor with their inclusion of 5,000 people and creation one of the most amazing lipsync videos I’ve ever seen.

It made me smile.

I had to watch it twice.

By the way, it was Jen over at Critical Crass led me to this particular video clip...she's also having a contest. Just if you were interested.

Oh, and I did a post over at 4p today...I'm just saying.


Anonymous said...

WOW! Fantastic

Heidi said...

Okay...I may have cried a little...(shh...)

I thought it was beautiful to see such a diverse group of people band together to support their community. Simply amazing.

Thanks for sharing!

p.s. I have been to Grand Rapids, I just don't remember it very clearly since I was in 2nd grade. I think I still have extended family there. Maybe some of them were in the video! :)

Kelly said...

My favorite is the pillow fight on the side of the road...

Anonymous said...

Wow! What way to say suck it Newsweek! If they have that sort of dedication to their city, then they can and will turn around what isn't right.

Thanks for sharing!

Karen M. Peterson said...

One of my dreams is to live in a town like this, where people actually CARE about where they live. That's not likely to happen here in California...

Kalei's Best Friend said...

@Karen: I too live in Cali. it depends on where u live.. I live in a suburb where people do come together.. There's a lot of heart where I live, it shows whenever there is a loss of life, the earthquake we had in '94 as well as the various charities we have here..
@J: I have to agree w/you.. Makes me wonder how many rehearsals they had. The song definitely makes the video.

Rachel said...

The little girl in pink with her little pink guitar made me smile...

Connie said...

Way to go Grand Rapids!
Glad you shared that video with us.

Brenna said...

This is too fun! They did a great job with the lip dub :)

tinyskillet said...

What a great way to pull together, and show you care. I loved it, of course I grew up in Grand Rapids. I like the diversity that you find there, you get a little bit of everything from everywhere that's for sure. GR has a lot to offer. Thanks for sharing, now I have to see if my family has seen this.

Stef said...

Okay! That would have been so fun to be part of.. That and Newsies.

jenn said...

thanks, mr. z, for the mention. :]

4evermyboys.... said...

You're absolutely right! That is some serious AWESOMENESS :)

One And a Half Men said...

I smiled the entire time. Epic. TFS!

Spenc said...

Their city maybe dying but their community spirit is alive! That was amazing to see the whole community come together, thanks for sharing.

Ally said...

dude didn't you just make me cry like a week ago. i'm gonna have to stop visiting your blog ... jk but wow, this was amazing, yet something still got me feeling so sad. i hate these stories of dying cities. the world has become such a depressing place lately :(


Cheeseboy said...

Incredible! The pink-shirted mustached man with guitar was the best.

A Lark said...

This was awesome! It reminded me that America is filled with good people. I felt bonded with everyone in our country. (:

Richard & Natalie said...

THAT was INCREDIBLE! It gives you that I-want-to-go-out-and-do-something-good feeling. Love it!

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