Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I was born today

Pin It It was about 5:46 in the morning from what I’ve been told...some hundred or so years ago. It seems an entire lifetime away.

I find myself reflective this morning as the sun just begins to light the eastern mountains outside my bedroom window. I think about how I came to be here, living in this undisclosed United States location. What would have happened had I stayed in Washington State? Or any of the other places which I’ve resided over the past decade or ten?

Who would I be? What would I be doing?

I don’t know either…

I also find my thoughts meandering to a certain someone, a woman who endured some excruciating moments early this morning so many years ago; a woman who endured it all for me.

Words cannot express what that act has meant to me…not to say that there weren’t moments in my life where I wished it hadn’t happened at all…we all have those from time to time. But in the long run, I am grateful…grateful for the opportunity to live life.

To breathe the fresh air into my lungs.
To be able to taste the sweet aroma of the world around me.
To eat hot bread, fresh from the oven, torn from the loaf with no thought to what the remnants look like.
To listen to music, much too loudly, with all the windows down.
To photograph this world’s majesty—in all her splendor.
To teach the children who each have become a part of my life.
To hike the valleys and deserts of this land I love so much.
…to live.

Mom, thanks for giving me birth.

I don’t think I’ve ever told you just how much I appreciate it.

Happy Birthday to you…



Happy Birthday Jason. Have a great day.

Gerb said...

So, it's the big 22, eh? One year older and wiser, too... happy birthday (clap) to you!

♥Miya said...

So, nine months of carting you around, hours in the delivery room, and all she gets is a blog??? Just kidding, it was sweet! Awww :D

Happy Birthday! I actually confused your birthday with Shane's, his was yesterday. Did you get your present?

<3 ME!

grinNberrett said...

Happy Day You Started Dying Day. :)

Bee said...

Happy Birthday my dear blog friend! Hope it's a great one!

And I'm sure your mom appreciated the post.

Kathy said...

Uuummm....actually, it was 10 months. You were a month overdue!
That's OK though, it was all more than worth it. Don't you know that's all a mother needs, just a little acknowledgement now and then. Thank you very much and you're very welcome.

Stephen T said...

Happy Birthday, my new friend! Hope this has been a great day. I always try to say 'Thanks' to my mom on my birthday, too.

So, are you 29 and holding??? (J/K)

Meg said...

Happy birthday!

Julie said...

Happy Birthday!! I hope it has been the best day ever!

Deo Volente said...

May your blessings be plenty, may your worries be few,
May God guide and keep you in all that you do...Happy birthday

annette said...


I would have never thought of giving a tribute to my mom on my birthday- very cool. :)

MindyElias said...

I hope you had a wonderful, fantastic, fun, happy, silly, celebratory day!

And yet you still have the weekend to look forward to! :)

I'm all about birthday weeks, aren't you?

Make this week a week you'll look back one day and say...."I remember when I turned (insert age here) and I was doing this crazy thing like drinking hot chocolate with friends and strangers celebrating Christmas and Jesus and everything else I could imagine celebrating...including me."

Now THAT will be a cool story.......(and take lots of pics too!)

Happy Day!

Farscaper said...

I got you something...


If for some reason you can't get it let me know and I'll e-mail it to ya (somehow).

Happy Birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Bday! That was great to acknowledge your Mom....Love you..

Michelle said...

Hey you, so I am a day late, to post it but you were in my thoughts all day......Happy Birthday!!! Just think where would I be today if your wern't born...hum :} Hope you had a great one. Love ya, Michelle

Danielle said...

I'm late, but Happy Birthday!!! Your parents made awesome kids!! Hope you had a good b-day!!!!

Teachinfourth said...

Shells - Thanks.

Gerb - How'd you know? By the way, I prefer the one of, "If I had a wish that wish would be..."

Meem - I'm pretty ungrateful, aren't I? I did get your present...however, I'm saving it until Saturday. Just can't have the party end yet!

G&B - Thanks...I feel better already.

Bee - Yep! Thanks for the well-wishes!

Mom - Good things come to those who wait, right? Thanks again for everything...

Stephen - I think it's a good tradition too.

Meg - Thanks, girl.

Jewels - It was pretty good...

DV - I get my own, customized birthday card message...how cool is that?

Nettle - It made me laugh, and then got on my nerves. Just what the doctor ordered, right?

ME - The saddest thing is the next day after a birthday because it's suddenly over...they really should last at least a few days.

I think you're right too...the party is going to rock!

FS - Thanks for the greeting. I will have to open it up after updating my fireworks player...doesn't seem to be working as of right now.

Kris - Love you too!

Michelle - My favorite Monk of them all! You have done a lot for me too...more than you'll ever know.

Uncle D - I think they did pretty good...at least with the first few...

Valerie said...

Happy Birthday, Jason! Your tribute was so lovely. What every mother dreams of. Makes me hope to someday have a son as kind and loyal as you. I've really enjoyed how poetic your last couple of blogs have been. You really have a talent for writing.

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

So, I realize you wrote this two years ago but randomly clicked on it, thanks to "LinkWithin".

Were you born in Washington State? My dad is originally from there and I was actually born there, in Richmond, so I had to ask.

And it looks like your birthday is coming up soon. Hope you're making some crazy fun plans!

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