Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Contest for you...contest for me...

Pin It Remember how I talked about entering a photography contest?

Remember how I asked for your advice as to what photos I should use?
Well, I entered.
The judging is tomorrow night.
Will I win?
Who knows.
Will you win the iTunes card?
Who knows?
Let’s all keep our fingers crossed.
By the way, these are the images I entered (this time). I would have entered more, but there is a fee for each photograph submitted…I’ll do it again sometime in the future, I’m sure.


lisa said...

These are wonderful, my friend. I love it when people I know just go for things that I would never try!

Corine Moore said...

Wow! Great photos!!!
Good luck -I hope you win! :D

Trevor Holms Petersen said...

Those are awesome choices. (stroke my ego, last one was one i suggested!)

Deo Volente said...

As usual your photos are beautiful, but I have to say the lightening photo is breath taking, what a wonderful gift you have sir. Good luck with the contest.

Anonymous said...

Yea! Can't wait to hear!!

Linn said...

YES! Yes you will win! These are absolutely amazing.

Lydia said...

Good luck, those are some fun pitures.

Gerb said...

What a great looking family in that old water truck!

Great choices in photos. Best of luck!

Teachinfourth said...

L - Thanks...I figure, if I never try it, I'll never know.

C - I hope so, too.

T - I plan to enter again and do a few more you suggested. I'll have to post if I 'make it big' and get rich.

DV - Thanks. I love that one, too. Thanks for keeping on coming back.

K - I just posted the other day so you know now...bummer, eh?

L - I WILL win NEXT time...

LH - Thanks for looking, and thanks for letting me have your 'Joey' this year...

G - I hear that all of those kids were rented.

Anonymous said...

Good luck! Hey, when you're subscribed to an RSS feed, aren't you supposed to get emails whenever you post new posts? I'm not getting them, so I must've screwed up that subscription process somehow. Oh, well. Try again.

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