Friday, August 6, 2010

Media of the Week - The Mousetrap

Pin It Don't be offended.


…and watch the whole thing; you'll be be glad you did and *you'll end up a better person for doing so.

I promise.

*Offer void where prohibited. Bummer, it's prohibited where you live.


TisforTonya said...

bummer about that prohibited offer. I enjoyed the video anyway :)

Kalei's Best Friend said...

OMG!, lol u got my heart started... or stopped when he was trapped... when he started lifting the bar, ok, that's when I 'died' wth do u find these??

Carrie Stuart said...

Now THAT is clever advertising! Loved it!

tammy said...

I almost got teary eyed. Glad you told me to watch the whole thing.

Connie said...

All I can say is, I'm glad that mouse doesn't live in my house! That was awesome!

Cheeseboy said...

One of my all time favorites.

Corine Moore said...

LOL! :D - That was great! That little mouse reminded me of me, in a weird sort of way. :O (NO, I'm not demented or crazy... just imaginative and creative!! ;)

mamahasspoken said...

That reminds me, the mouse is still loose in my classroom. I won't be using cheese on the trap ;o)

Marnie said...

Now that was a good one!

Natasha and Jesse said...

I was shocked when I first saw this commercial. Great advertising for the cheese.

4evermyboys.... said...

I am no mouse lover that's for sure. But I have to hand it to the little guy :)

Mindee@ourfrontdoor said...

My kids were looking over my shoulder and we nearly had tears here. Glad you included the "watch till the end" so we could all end up laughing. :)

Rachel said...

You know, anything with the good ol' Rockie theme song in it..... has to be good!!! :D

Kelly said...

I've actually seen this on FB. I loved it then and love it now. Thanks for sharing!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

OMG, I watched it at my campsite and I had people stopped by and giving me "the look" for laughing uncontrollable.

As my son would say: "It was epic" and I am pretty sure he's emailing it to his friends as I type this.

Serene is my name, not my life! said...

How did you ever manage to get a copy of my workout video?

LOL, that was awesome.

P.S. I just have to tell you that your comments on my blog have had me busting up! So funny!

mCat said...

I'm with Tammy, I started to choke up watching that little mouse gasp for air. And then.......

Good one!

Deo Volente said...

This is a work of art, I love it!

Powdered Toast Man said...

I love Eye of the Tiger. That song goes with anything. Awesome find.

Unknown said...

That caused a mixture of some strange emotions in me! Emotions I didn't know I had! Emotions I didn't know existed! Ewwww, waaaaaaahhhhhh, awwwwwwww, hahahahaha. I owe you so much. I feel like a person again. Okay, I'm tired. I gotsta get on my way.

Stef said...

That was so funny I was rolling at work. Seriously...I was going to feel bad at first...but then I just couldn't stop laughing.

Charlotte said...

I was deeply offended. Deeply. Mice should always die in traps. ALWAYS.

Amy said...

Awesome! That trap snapping made me jump. Very clever advertising!

Unknown said...

That's hilarious. Duane and I sat and laughed over that little mouse. :)

Krista said...

Oh my HOLY HANNAH! Did I mention in my last post about being emotional? I was traumatized, lying in fetal position on the floor about to join PETA and thank goodness there was a happy ending. I can sleep now.

tiburon said...

That might be the greatest Media Monday EVER.

You had me at the Carpenters.

Anonymous said...

So happy you stoped by the [Life of Meg] Mingle Monday!


imbeingheldhostage said...

HOW did they do that??? I'm so glad you posted this, even though I was cursing you a bit for making me watch it (with my hand over my eyes). I'm glad you told us to watch the whole thing!

See Mom Smile said...

Seriously so funny. I think that is the same rat that lived in our house for awhile. Not even rat poisin would stop him!

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