Thursday, August 5, 2010

%&@! on Earth

Pin It It's now 10 o'clock and I'm just barely getting home. I could use an awful lot of adjectives to describe this particular evening...most of which would probably be in the forms of words such as: hellish, garish, and a lot more -ish words that I would rather not use right now.

Shopping for a new car — I believe that says it all.

I went to five different car dealerships today – all of them this evening. I looked at several different vehicles; test drove on the freeway, and listened to the ins and outs of each model. Though I've done this type of thing several times over the past month or two it was still fun. There's something about sitting in cars that are not yours and then deciding whether or not you could see yourself owning them. You imagine yourself driving them, and perhaps even wondering if anyone would be able to recognize you if you were to indeed make the purchase. In a sense, it's almost like trying on a brand-new pair of shoes. Some shoes just seem to work, while others most certainly do not.

I decided to drop in at the fifth car dealership as kind of an impulsive thing, you know, being sporadic and all that. I was immediately greeted by two of the salesman I'd worked with many times before. I liked them both; they were pretty agreeable fellows. In fact, I really enjoyed the company of one of the salesman…he was witty, friendly, and deep down inside I just liked him. I could imagine that if we’d met on the playground as third graders, we’d have been lifelong friends.

We walked over to the car that I’d seen many times before – and test driven five or six times. It seemed to call to me. It wanted to be mine – I could just tell. However, the price was not quite right to fit into my budget, even after a trade in. That was fine though…like I’d told the salesmen, I was not intending to purchase a car today. The salesman said he’d try one more thing…

Unfortunately, since the salesman just couldn't seem to make the magic happen in the way I wanted (which was fine…I didn’t need a new car today or tomorrow and I’d made this perfectly clear) the floor manager came down to have a little chat with me.

Hell on Earth? I think that would be putting it lightly.

Begin the ‘lookdown upon’ session.

To make an incredibly long story much shorter than what it was in real life, I left the dealership feeling almost like I'd been attacked. Despite the kind words and the many times the floor manager told me that I looked like a, "smart guy who looked like he had it all together," I couldn't help but feel somewhat looked down upon. This was largely due to the presumptuous mannerism and know-it-allness hidden beneath a shallow cloak of civility. The underlying message this man seemed to be relaying was something along the lines of, ‘you, my friend, are a complete moron.’

By the time I finally got away from the dealership it was running on 10 PM, and more than anything I just wanted to go home.

I don't even care that this is not my best writing...

Shopping for a new car sucks, I think I just might buy a horse.


Kristina P. said...

That is a bummer. And I am the worst negotiator on the planet. When we bought my car, I didn't even try to get the price down.

Connie said...

So, where's your friend when the bully shows up?
Do all floor managers take classes on how to make potential buyers feel like morons if they don't have the means to buy the car right now?

At least you can "sleep on it."

Just wondering, you looking at a Honda?

Gerb said...

The one time we actually purchased a vehicle NEW, off the lot, it all came down to which dealership treated us the best. Not the kissing up sort, but the ones who genuinely treated us as human beings and not only potential buyers. We even had one guy show us a picture of his 8 kids and tell us that he could really use a sale. Are you kidding me?!

Good luck with it all. I agree, the process stinks.

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

Did you buy the car? LOL.

Amy said...

That sounds like a very frustrating situation. I don't like vehicle shopping either, which is much too fresh in my mind after my accident last January that totaled my van. I'd reconsider the horse purchase though. Loads of upkeep on that one!

Good luck on your next indeavor at the auto park.

Jen said...

I feel your pain. Try being a female and hitting up the car lots. I think we have the word "sucker" written in sharpie on our foreheads. Horses are much less complicated and fuel efficient:)

Linn said...

People like that should not be allowed.

Definitely buy a horse.

If they had a six-person model, I would.

Hope you are feeling better this morning.

Oh and PS. Thanks for your kind comment on the blog. It really meant a lot.

tammy said...

There are certain sales people that I wouldn't buy anything from, just because of the way I was treated.

I always heard it's better to buy a car at the end of the month, that they're more willing to deal then.

When I was buying my first car, my Dad went with me. We went not only on the last day of the month, but the last day of the year. We ended up keeping poor Ivory White (who happened to be black - true story), at the Larry H. dealership on State Street way past closing time. I think he was late for his New Year's party. But I got the car I wanted for the price I wanted thanks to my Dad. Want him to go with you next time?

Carrie Stuart said...

Ugh! I am SO with you on this...I HATE car shopping so much, I won't even do it. I refuse. My husband doesn't mind, so he does it. And although I know it was probably awful to go through being dressed down like that...just so you know, car salesmen can be some of the nastiest, scummiest, low-lifes out there. My brother only lasted a few months doing it, then the money wasn't worth it anymore...the people he worked with were SO sleazy he couldn't take it. And this was a nice, large, "reputable" dealership in Utah. I hope you are able to find something good when the time (and place) is right. Good luck!

Kalei's Best Friend said...

Take my advice and fax what u want to the fleet manager.. Now that u've driven the ones - make that list of pros and cons... Believe me, the fleet manager will welcome your fax.. all he wants to do is move inventory...

Anonymous said...

When I bought my Jeep (never again) we were kept there for five hours! They kept telling us "We are nearly done." We wanted to leave a get some dinner, since we never had lunch and they said "we'll run out and get you something" and they never did. We left with a really good deal on the car, but we were starving and felt beaten down. Ugh!

A few months later it was time for my husband to get a new truck and we went to our small town Ford dealer and it was a pleasure dealing with them.

Shannon said...

You know they probably have special classes where management is required to practice berating the common man into feeling like it would be a privilege to buy a car from them...a leg up in social standing even. Serious jackasses. Not only would I never return to that dealership if I were you (despite the friendly sales help), I would write a letter to the dealership's owner proclaiming, as only the awesome Mr. Z could do, what an incredible *&%$#@bag their manager is, AND that you will be sure to advise everybody you know and meet from here on out to NEVER patronize their establishment. NOBODY should EVER be made to feel inferior when they are considering shelling out thousands of dollars for a vehicle...NOBODY.

TisforTonya said...

I got annoyed with ManOfTheHouse a few years ago when he drove home in a new car for me to "test drive" which actually meant - drive with me back to the dealership so that I can get your signature to finalize the purchase - but now... now I'm grateful I only had to be involved in a tiny portion of the process!

your Word Verifier says "bathe" - I'm trying not to be offended... I just got home from my morning exercise - give me a break!

mamahasspoken said...

You need to come new car shopping with me! I married into a family of car dealership owners who have taught me the ins and outs of car buying/selling. But since I live in KY and you in Utah, I'll give you some insight.
Wait for the new year cars to hit the lot. The dealership will want to get rid of the older year new car and will be more willing to bring down the price.
Check for how long that car has sit on the lot. If it is a use car, by around 90 days it's concidered unsellable and they will take it to auction. You can get your best deal on a use car around then.
Any more questions about the ins and outs, let me know. I have my inside connections ;o)

Corine Moore said...

Oh... that was just so sad. But that last line of yours "I think I just might buy a horse" left my mouth turned and laughter in my gut.

Those salesmen are brutal! First they try to flatter you into thinking you’re buying from them because you are so smart and really know how to pick a car... but if you don't bend... well you got the picture. They are just so disgustingly greedy and manipulative! Sheesh! I say get the horse!!!! LOL ;)

Jamie said...

It's pretty sad how certain people in sales have a way to get under our skin. Back when I was a single mom, it was disheartening how often someone (such as a salesperson) would use my situation to gain something from me. What happened to good old fashioned values? I'm sorry it was such a horrific night. Keep on fighting and get the good deal - somewhere else.

Rhoda said...

I love horses! Although not really practical. Good luck!

Rachel said...

Oh wow!!! For you to say that you would buy a horse instead! That says it all! It was hell for you wan't it?

So the car had your name all over it eh? Like a five hundred dollar dress? And if you didn't buy this one and only dress then you must be a fool! :D

In the future, that is when you text one of us and let us know you need an out!

Sorry it was such a horrid experience.....

Natasha and Jesse said...

Oh, no! Hopefully you won't have any more interactions with that floor manager. What happened to the salesman when the manager came out, did he just disappear?!

Horses are good- they require more upkeep than a car but it might be worth it!

Danielle said...

UGH! That is the WORST!!! Every time (with the exception of ONE time) that I have gone into a dealership looking at cars (or not looking) I have felt that way. So seriously annoying. You haven't agreed to anything yet, and they already have their grubby fingers IN and AROUND your current vehicle. and insisting that you're going home with something else. I HATE when they treat you like a moron, when you know that they're far less educated, or just big fat jerks. I feel for you!!!!!

Richard & Natalie said...

At least you didn't give in and buy it. I have a very overpriced vacuum because of similar tatics. I finally bought the thing(5hrs later) to get them out of my house. Now I hate to use it.

I am sorry. I hope today is looking up.

Make Do and Mend said...

Have you considered taking Joey on your car-buying excursions? Car salesmen might just be the minions of Satan (sorry to offend anyone who might be a car salesman, married to a car salesman, or might give birth to a future car salesman). I'll bet they've never come up against a 5th grader in a car lot before. Might just knock 'em down to size.

Marnie said...

You know what that means? Something better will show up. Really. It's a sign.

Unknown said...

Writing is just fine, my friend...
This experience sucks. How patronizing. That's like saying, "you look like a pretty little lady." O-K.

Let me just find someone to hold my hand while you explain this all again, very slowly this time...

Justin said...

I hate salespeople of all sorts. They just rub me the wrong way.

My wife and I went to a particular dealership at the South Towne Auto Mall a few years ago. It was raining. We were the only people on the lot. We didn't want to buy anything that day; we just wanted to test drive a few cars so that we could see how they drove before doing further research with Consumer Reports. We made it clear to our salesperson that we were not going to buy that day.

Anyway, long story short: our sales guy let us test drive almost every car on the lot except a Honda Accord we might have considered being interested in. He told us we wouldn't be able to afford it anyway (I guess 'cause we look young). And then when we thanked him for his time and said we were leaving, he proceeded to scold us and nearly yell at us because we took up so much of his time that day and we weren't even going to buy anything.

Real cool.

Corine Moore said...

Justin - Something similar happened to my husband at a used car dealership, and he is in his late 40's. Talk about humiliating! Some people are just that way; they think they have to knock someone down to elevate themselves. The cool thing is that my "poor" husband is still in business, and this snoby "rich" hot shot's business just went under. Go figure!

mCat said...

We were just talking about this very thing a few days ago. One salesman had the nerve to tell my friend that the car he was looking at (Hyundai Sonata), was maybe "just too much car for him"

Serious??!??!?! I hate dealerships and refuse to buy from them.

Anonymous said...

We just bought a new car, and we had a similar experience. The salesman was getting all cocky, and I could tell he was jerking us around. I finally lost it, and told him I was leaving because he had done nothing but try to sell a bunch of bologna. The next thing I know his manager was there, and we got the deal we wanted, for the most part.

The bottom line is, they don't want you to leave, because you probably won't go back. Good job putting those guys in their place, and I'm glad you found a deal you were satisfied with in the long run.

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