Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hot Lava Morning

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Do you remember back to the days when you would leap from the pieces of furniture in your house to avoid the floor, which was made completely out of ‘hot lava’? It seems that everyone knows what you’re talking about when you say ‘hot lava,’ don’t they? We never played ‘cold lava,’ either; it always had to be hot. Of course, if it were ‘cold lava’ we'd simply call it rock jumping…or parkour.

I woke this morning to the strangest feeling—like back in the days when I’d played that game as a kid. It was hastened even further when my friend’s kids began to play ‘lava monster’ throughout their house. As their screams and laughter filled the air I was taken back.

I guess every boy (and probably girl) has played this game at one time; sometimes, I miss the days when you could play like this and not worry about breaking the furniture.

Images from &

Monday, May 28, 2012

Weekly Kodachrome - Book Cliffs

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The light played off the clouds and distant cliffs as the highway stretched off into the vast expanse of the San Rafael Swell desert, like a road leading into tomorrow. I watched the puffs of gray and white drift lazily onward and finally pulled to the side of the road to gaze at these textures of light; These are the moments that truly pen a life.

Adventures & Misadventures of Daily Living
Did you take a photo that made you smile? If so, feel free to include it in the linky below. 

Remember, by adding your photo into the Weekly Kodachrome meme you are agreeing to do one of the following: display the linky or button to your post, or link back to this post so that everyone gets a little more exposure for the image they’ve uploaded. Those who don’t help to ’share the love’ will have their links removed. You can find the code for the linky here.

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You might also want to try Sweet Shot Tuesdays, Show off Your Shot, Your Sunday Best, and Community Global for other great photo memes.

Friday, May 25, 2012


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There is a story you’ve probably been privy to sometime in your life. In fact, I can remember writing a post about it a few years ago. The basic idea is that of a man walking along the beach; he notices a boy picking up starfish. These creatures are slowly withering in the sun, so the boy tosses them back into the ocean where they can survive. When the man gives the boy the news that even his best efforts will be in vain—that there are simply far too many starfish to even begin to think that he could make a difference—the boy tells the man about how change comes to each as an individual.

As a teacher, each year I feel that I am that boy. I walk along the beach throughout the days, and I throw starfish into the vast ocean of knowledge. I relish in the thought that—while in my classroom—they are becoming so much more than what they once were. That they are being instilled with basic things that will help them to become who it is that they will one day be.

I’ve noticed that there seems to be a group of starfish that I have to keep throwing back into the ocean. Then, despite my best efforts to keep them in a place where they can survive, these same creatures crawl out of the life-sustaining waters and lie on the scorching sand where they again begin to wither away.

I pick them up over and over, throwing them into the blue waters; then, before I know it, they are again crawling out. My strength is redoubled as I center my attention these half-dozen starfish that seem to have a secret death wish.

It’s exhausting.

I also discovered that I usually don’t give near enough attention to those starfish that are floating about in the shallows, and nearly nothing to those who are out in the depths. After all, I know that those starfish will be okay. These are the urchins that will make it. These are they who will survive.

The school year ended today. My two and one-half dozen students left the classroom. They had walked in this morning as fifth graders, and left as sixthers. An entire year had flown by as fleetingly as the tide.

As they filed past me, I handed them their classroom placements for next year, and I looked at each one of them as an individual starfish. I thought of the progress each of them had made—or hadn’t made—during the year. I looked at those I had worked the hardest with—but who still left the classroom pretty much the same way as they came in. Despite my best efforts, these were they who were content to laze in the blistering sands.

It was hard to watch them leave, knowing that in nine months I had so little effect them; that they were so obstinate that they were happy staying the exact same as they were.

As a teacher, I want all of my students to be successful. I want them all to achieve. I want them all to thirst for knowledge. I want them all to want to give nothing but their personal best.

Sadly, this is not to be.

Over the years I’ve learned that each must decide on their own what it is that they will do and who they will become. When I talked with a friend earlier tonight, she spoke about measuring successes in life not solely on the outcome, but on the efforts put into the endeavor—our partial successes and achievements. We should never feel that our energies are wasted when trying to help another.

As a teacher, I want my students to achieve. I would love for each of them to always do their personal best, and I will continue to help them as best as I can.

I am a thrower of starfish.

Even to those who don’t like the ocean.

Media of the Week - How it Should Have Ended

Pin It I've been watching these great little videos for a few years now - the following are some of my favorites. Also, if you haven't heard of the How it Should Have Ended series, it's about time that you did.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekly Kodachrome - Mostly Eclipse of the Sun

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Last night I was privy to an event that only a slim corridor of the United States was in the right place for.

A mostly eclipse.

I wish now that I’d have had my powerful zoom lens, filters, and all of the other stuff that makes photography a little bit easier.

Since I hadn’t been privy to an eclipse since I was just a kid, I was impressed. I was a bit disappointed in the fact that I didn’t wind up with powers of some type like in that show, Heroes. However, I am glad that my face didn’t melt off like the Nazis’ heads did in Raiders of the Lost Ark.

I guess you could say that it was a mostly win-win situation.

By the way, remember that you only have until midnight on Tuesday to enter (and win) the current contest to win photos like these or these.

Adventures & Misadventures of Daily Living
Did you take a photo that made you smile? If so, feel free to include it in the linky below. 

Remember, by adding your photo into the Weekly Kodachrome meme you are agreeing to do one of the following: display the linky or button to your post, or link back to this post so that everyone gets a little more exposure for the image they’ve uploaded. Those who don’t help to ’share the love’ will have their links removed. You can find the code for the linky here.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

You might also want to try Sweet Shot Tuesdays, Show off Your Shot, Your Sunday Best, and Community Global for other great photo memes.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


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I don't usually make these types of things, but this idea lodged itself in my head a few weeks ago and I just couldn't resist.

The Ultimate Planker

I also added on Facebook, just in case you felt like sharing it.

Life is Good

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There comes a point in life when one looks at what they truly have. They see beyond the difficulties and hardships of the run-of-the-mill, and they notice—maybe for the first time in a long time—the blessings that their life truly affords. However, sometimes, this awakening takes time to completely appreciate.

Life is good.

Today I saw the sun setting, amid a cloudy evening. The screen of grey hung in the skies above me like a veil, as the light of the setting sun marinated the countryside around me.

It was intoxicatingly amazing.

Life is great.

Tonight I sifted through the blessings I enjoy—the lives that have touched mine over the years for good, and those that I’ve had the opportunity to touch in return. It was somewhat overwhelming.

Life is unbelievable.

I thought of the challenges that my very existence affords me. The challenges that destroyed me from the inside out, and tested my intestinal fortitude beyond the limits I thought I had.

Life is hard.

It brought to mind the difficulties yet to be faced in the future; the changes in life that will undoubtedly come, those small moments that will help define an existence.

Life is cruel.

I thought of these many things that have made me into who I am, those things which are good—as well as bad—that sculpted me, which continually define, and that which will undoubtely recreate me. As I thought of these things, I came to a final realization:

Life is so beautiful.

So it is for all of us, but if only we’ll take the time to see it.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Moments with Joey - Literature Responses

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SCENE 1, INTERIOR. MORNING. CLASSROOM. The students are in the classroom working on assignments. As the teacher works with three or four students at the back table, a boy at a nearby desk addresses him.

JOEY: Mr. Z, literature responses are on Monday, right?


JOEY: Good…I was thinking about doing mine on the math book.


TEACHER: [unbelievingly] The math book?

JOEY: Yeah.

TEACHER: Now, you do realize that you’d have to read the entire book to do a response on it, right?

JOEY: The whole thing?

TEACHER: Yep, words, numbers and all.


JOEY: Maybe I’ll pick another book.

TEACHER: Good idea. [Pause] By the way, what were you planning to do for a project?

JOEY: I was thinking of drawing pictures of the different math symbols and showing them to everybody.

TEACHER: Because that would be so much fun for everyone else?

JOEY: Yeah, I thought they’d like it.

TEACHER: Probably as much as getting their gums scraped.

[The boy laughs].

[Fade to black]

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

101 Amazing Reasons

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I would like to share 101 fantastic reasons why you should enter the Backroads Photography contest:

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I could have easily shared another two hundred reasons; and just think...two lucky winners will have their pick of all of these - or any other image - from Backroads Photography.

The contest ends on Tuesday the 22nd.
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