To see a list of photo choice possibilities, click HERE.
Sorry about this post not really being here...it appears that I inadvertently deleted it. This probably explains why - after two days - nobody had entered.
Since it lost a few days' time, I am going to have the new deadline be midnight on Tuesday the 22nd.
Again, my apologies for my accidental accident.
Well, it’s been a while since I’ve offered up any free photos from my photography site or blog…so, it’s that time again.
I know. Crazy, isn’t it?
Are there any rules, Teachinfourth?
Rules? Well, of course there are rules. After all, rules are important. Rules outline our society and give us a safety net of sorts. Rules allow us to know when we’re doing what we should. Rules are boundaries. Rules let us know when we are the winners, and others are most definitely not. Also, these rules have changed up just a bit from the last time—and are far more confusing. After all, isn’t that what everyone just loves?
My thoughts exactly.
Just kidding, I have actually tried to simplify them...
So, Teachinfourth, how does one enter this contest?
- Make a comment on this post (1 point) You can only leave one, not use one blogger account to make comments for everyone in your family.
- Subscribe to this blog (2 points)
- Add a button from this site to your blog (5 points)
- Post about it on Facebook (1 point)
- Pin it (1 point)
- Tweet it (1 point)
- Get a friend to leave a comment from their Blogger/Wordpress account (1 point for each person) Just make sure they mention that you sent them in their comment...they will get one point, too.
Now, before I go any farther, let me explain the above four rules just a little bit more, because I already know some of you are going to say, “Teachinfourth, I’ve already got your button on my site, or I’ve already subscribed…that’s so not fair!” No worries. If you’ve already subscribed, or added the button on your sidebar, tweeted, pinned, or Facebooked it, just let me know in your comment that you did/are doing it or in an email.
So, teachinfourth...what's the easiest way I can 'rack up the points' for this contest?
Glad you asked…
Probably the easiest way is to pass along a link of this blog post to a friend and have them make a comment—adding to the note, “So-and-so sent me.” (Obviously inserting your name, or that would be really hard to track now, wouldn’t it? You know, a whole group of so-and-sos). For each person who mentions your name as their “referrer,” you will get one additional tally toward your overall score. The person you referred that leaves a comment gets a point toward their score, too. (I do ask that when somebody makes a comment, they do so using their Blogger/Wordpress/ect., blogging account. After all, it would be far too easy to simply type a bunch of “anonymous” comments and do a lot of self-promoting now, wouldn’t it?). Several folks in the past said that they've tweeted or Facebooked their plea which has helped out quite a bit. In fact, I even learned how to add the Pin It button. Just FYI.
The two individuals with the most points after one week will be eligible for a free matted print (up to 8 x 12) from either this blog or the Backroads Photography website when the contest ends Tuesday, May 22nd at midnight. (Mountain Standard Time).
Please feel free to email with any questions you have at teachinfourth@yahoo.com
P.S. Past winners are eligible for this contest, too.
Teachinfourth, one final question...
Fire away.
If I win, how do I look at the photos on your blog to pick one? After all, maybe you haven't put the shot I want on your photography website yet.
Well, the best way is to just look through posts, many are tagged such as these which will make it easier, you can also go to my photography website. However, you can get a general look at a lot of photos in THIS post.
Yay! Back up and running again! :-)
Oh I can't remember what I said last time except, I'm in. I can use a bigger photo.
Your pictures are so great! How could anyone just pick one!?
Your photos always inspire me. :)
I'm glad you put this back up! You are one talented photographer! I would LOVE one of your prints.
Pick me! Loved your 101. It would be very hard to choose! I have you on my blogroll--does that count for subscribing?
Yes Please
I was trying to refrain, but this is such a simple way to get another of your awesome photos! (Is my competitiveness showing?) I'm subscribed and I'm going to post about it on Facebook now.
Button on my blog? Check.
Becky - Thanks for the kind words.
Tracy - Yes, it counts.
Linn - I'm flattered that you like so many of them.
Wish you all the best of luck. You have until midnight on Tuesday.
Well of course I have to enter when you post pictures of my kids!!! ;)
So, I'm posting a comment. ONE POINT
Subscribed TWO POINTS
Button on blog FIVE POINTS
Posting on FB ONE POINT
Went outside and said tweet tweet (do I get a point each time I say tweet? Cuz I could do this all day...... )
Commented - Check
Subscribed - Check
Pinned - Check
Buttoned - Check
Posted- Check
Tweeted - Check
I'd love to win a photo from Backroads Photography, but I know that each piece is worth it's weight in gold! :-) (hmmm, well, worth every cent!)
I want to win!
And I'm a subscriber, too.
I'm really confused now! This will be the third comment I've left. Hmmm...maybe I'm only dreaming that I'm leaving comments.
I'd love to win! You're the bestest photographer I know!
Did I mention I have your button on my blog?
It looks like Mindy came in first place followed by Rachel...I'll double check to be sure though.
Hooray! So excited!
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