Monday, June 28, 2010

Summit Valley

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Kalei's Best Friend said...

Hey teach- Should I guess that Larry has passed? or did he move to another state?.... Did Larry collect cars? I bet seeing your home stirred up a lot of memories.... thanks for the tour...Bittersweet indeed. Larry sounds like an ok guy...

Jamie said...

It's a beautiful area! Fun to catch a glimpse of the past. :) Have a great day!

Richard & Natalie said...

What an absolutely gorgeous area. You were a lucky boy to live somewhere with such a picturesque view and so much open area to enjoy. Not to mention, a neighbor willing to pay you to work. I enjoyed the tour.

Powdered Toast Man said...

wow you must have a really good camera because the picture and clarity were great.

It looks beautiful there. Looks like a nice place to chill out for a weekend.

Natasha and Jesse said...

What a beautiful place to grow up! It's so very strange going back to the house you grew up in and seeing the changes and reliving through memories. I remember doing that with the house I grew up in.

Anonymous said...

Wow. This is such a beautiful place to grow up in. I enjoyed watching the videos. Visits like these can bring back so many wonderful memories.

Stef said...

How very cool! What beautiful country to live in!! And funny, you should see if you can use that ski expiration problem!

tammy said...

Before you pointed out the house, I thought you were going to tell me you were raised in a barn.

Beautiful area! Love all the trees. Even the strategically placed cars. Sounds and looks like a great place to grow up. Love the rooster story, and your other memories. These videos are great too.

mamahasspoken said...

Agree with everyone else in that it was beautiful!
And here I thought it was a KY thing to 'grow' old cars on your property ;o)

Teachinfourth said...

C - No, Larry is still around. He just let this area grow up and wild because of his new(er) home back up in the trees. Actually, yes, Larry does collect cars. There were probably a dozen more (still running) that I didn't show.

It was strange to see him again after so many years. He wasn't nearly as tall as I remembered.

M - Thanks. There are some great memories up there in the wilds of Summit Valley.

N - Now, if we'd just had some neighbors nearby with kids my same age, that would have been the bomb.

Thanks for taking the trip along memory road.

PTM - It was nice to live there, but I don't know as if I'd want to live there again…maybe when I retire.

N - That area is what gave me my love for hiking (as that was my main pastime). You're right, too. Going back does stir up a lot.

MS - Summit Valley was awesome. At times though I do wonder what life would have been like had I lived someplace else.

S - I thought about it, but I'll never be around when the ski hill is open. I drove by it and took some video and photos up there as well though. I just might post those, but maybe not as well…

T - If ONLY I could have been brought up in a barn like that…People often think that we were rich because of the size of the house. They never knew that we lived in the unfinished basement for four or five years with plastic windows and the only source of water was the bathtub for the first two of them. Imagine having to empty the drainer in the tub in order to take a bath.

I'll say no more other than that rooster did scare me to death.

B - We never did, but Larry 'grew' more than enough for the both of us...

Anonymous said...

Thank you sooo much for the trip down memory lane. I haven't thought about Larry in a long time. I remember the beef-allo in the field. Griz walking around. Snow up to your eyebrows. Trying to get up that drive way! All I can say is MORE PLEASE!

Corine Moore said...

Lucky you to go strolling down memory lane! :D I need to do that one of these days (I've been wanting to show my kids my old stopming grounds, and still haven't. Mindy is about ready to fly the coop ~ thanks for the reminder!)

I remember that GORGEOUS house! (Natalie - as great as the photos and video are... they just don't do justice). I LOVED IT, and some of it's features are still part of my imagined "dream home."

Do you remember when I came over and you guys took me for a ride on one of the horses? The horse took off running and I rode on it sideways like Ronald McDonald did in his old comercials; don't know how I stayed on. I was spooked - but loved it!

PS If you're still in the area and have a few minutes extra... come on over and say hello! (email me if interested - no pressure! I'll still be your friend even if you decide not to come by ;)

Happy Visiting!
Corine :D

Just SO said...

What a beautiful place to grow up and work!

Teachinfourth said...

K - You said it. There were a lot of memories there. I will see what I can do about putting up another video or two I took.

C - You didn't mean to do that on the horse? Wow, and all these years I thought…

As you could probably guess from my other post, I was home by the time you posted your comment. Sorry…

S - It was nice, but as a kid I saw it from a totally different perspective. Time tends to do that to us, doesn't it?

Farscaper said...

What a BEAUTIFUL area to grow up in!!!

I've always lived in a city (Phoenix) but envied my cousins that lived in places like where you grew up. They could go outside and play anywhere they wanted without having to worry about anything. One cousin had the rail road tracks as their boundary line.. the other had the fence for the horses as their boundary.

I had to worry about cars, neighbors, stray crazy dogs, broken beer bottles, and other nasty things left by people. We weren't allowed to play in the front yard unless one of my parent's were out with us. Everything was pretty brown or dead - it was a desert.

Someday we will retire to someplace green with space... someday.

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