Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Vacation - Days 1-3 in a Nutshell

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The plane ride over was terribly long, but it was well worth it in the end. Since I only have a few minutes of time with wireless connection here, I thought I'd just give a few highlights of the trip thus far:

Day 1: Lunch at Mitchell's - it was fabulous.

We journeyed to the village outskirts, and I snapped a few photos:

My room for the first few nights:

The view:

More village days 2-3:

Lunch at the edge of the ocean at restaurants amid cobbled streets:

The castle tour:

Now, you're probably wondering...just how and why in the world did I decide to go to England. Well, I didn't. I'm not in England. I just found these images from various sites via the information superhighway. 

England is where I'd love to be.

It's always been my dream to visit.

I probably never will, though.

At the current moment, I'm in my Hyundai Santa Fe driving to Southern Utah, but don't worry, I won't experience anything like this:

I'll be checking in from time to time - I promise, Dad.

BTW, I am posting over at Four Perspectives today.


Kalei's Best Friend said...

Never say never...You would love England.. I was there awhile back.. You would love Harrod's, the changing of the guard, etc.

Kristina P. said...

Wow, it's like a dream!

CB said...

The pictures of England are beautiful - I really hope you make it there one day!
Quite frankly I wish I were on my way to Southern Utah - it is beautiful there too!!
Happy Day :-D

Kelly said...

I just made an exception to my rated R policy and watched this movie. I am still amazed by it two days later. It was incredible. Be careful out there. The movie really made me want to take my kids to the canyon lands. Beautiful country-although not England...

Anonymous said...

Whew! Good to know I don't have to be seriously jealous. ;)

Don't count England out, you may end up there someday.

Shawna said...

Okay... I really am gullible. I was sitting here for the first shot or two trying to figure out where in the world these were taken (they didn't look like anything from your California trip) and just when this so-called vacation took place!

Hope you are having fun down south... and look forward to seeing you when you get back.

Laura said...

You had me so jealous for a minute there! You really should do it sometime though, you only live once. :)

Mr. Hughes said...

I started reading and thought...NOPE- He's totally full of crap on this one! (I know because last night I was at Seagull Book buying rocked out children's songs with you). I hope you have a safe and fun trip! Don't get lost and let someone KNOW WHERE YOU ARE...after all you don't want to have to cut your arm off or worse drink bodily fluids...

Fun With Ali and Hayden! said...

I spent a few days with my boy in Arches last week, it was fabulous. Have fun and be safe. I too would love to visit England one day, but it's a long way off.

Oilfield Trash said...

I am jealous, that looks like fun.

You have got yourself some great pictures!!!


I was becoming more and more jealous as I read this post only to discover you aren't in England. Well done. And now I want to book a trip-thanks.

Mindee@ourfrontdoor said...

You totally had me. I was getting all jealous of your storybook vacation and looking forward to your photographer perspective on it!

Enjoy . . . Utah?

mintifresh said...

I was turning greener and greener with envy with each picture of your 'trip'! I'm still green about the road trip, just not as green ;)

mamahasspoken said...

I'd rather be in England too....

Heidi said...

Haha! I was about to curse you out, boy!

I would love to go to England someday too! Actually, all over Europe. Someday it'll happen.

Have fun down in, wherever you are going exactly. I can't wait to get away for a couple days with my sis next weekend! Need a break from the normal scenery!

tammy said...

Here I was getting extremely jealous.

Let's go!

Charlotte said...

I stumbled across you blog linked from something else a while back and have been following it every since. I teach high school and two years ago I got laid off and I did something crazy. I went to grad school in England. Just up and went. It was an amazing experience. Then I got my job back and came back.

Even if you can just go for a few weeks or a month. DO IT! It. is. awesome.

That is all.

Spenc said...

You fooled me, I was so jealous! Although Southern Utah could be fun too.

Kim Stevens said...

I have to say England is one place I would like to be with my camera! However, a summer drive from the Texas Gulf Coast to Chicago will have to do . . .

A Lark said...

At first I thought.... oh, my heck! (yep, I'm from Utah) - where IS he and why didn't he tell me he was going on vacation!!? Ahh.... now I see. A little pessimistic aren't you? If you want it enough.....

Katria said...

Whatever. Southern Utah is better than England, anyway. :)

elysabeth said...

Talk about freaking someone out - I knew you had just visited with Mr. Hughes and then I saw this posting and I was like - what? - who's pulling the chain here - lol. I was about to freak out on Mr. Hughes. Don't do that again, please. Anyway glad you are enjoying your virtual road trip - lol. Have fun in your Hyundai Santa Fe - see you in the postings - E :)

Elysabeth Eldering
Author of the JGDS, 50-state, mystery, trivia series

Where will the adventure take you next?


Karen M. Peterson said...

You crack me up!

I want to go to England and I think I've pretty much decided that the UK will be my next international trip.

Good luck returning from Southern Utah with all your limbs!

Pumpkin Delight (Kimberly) said...

Ohhhh, I was so excited (and jealous) for a moment. But, I'm still jealous as I still have 2 more weeks of school before we are on summer break. So, at least you have that. Enjoy!

" Hit It......." said...

You totally had me with the pictures. Set a goal and go to England.

Have a fun vacation!

Corine Moore said...

lol! You had me! I just saw the link to this on FB and thought I'd come on over and check out the pictures from abroad... too bad I can't give you the credit for them. ;) Maybe in a year or two, or three.

Richard & Natalie said...

I was going, "What the.... I just saw him less than a week a ago and you'd think England would be something he'd mention!" Don't give up on England! Dreams are what help us get through the day to day nightmares.

Safe travels and yes, please, come back with all extremities and digits attached.

Amy said...

I love the way you think. I've considered scrapbooking a fake vacation with photos just like these. They are beautiful photos and I thought for sure you did take them. Now if I tried pulling this off, no one would believe me since they know my photography skills!

Yanet @ 3 Sun Kissed Boys said...

To quote a very famous singer that you may or may not have a poster of, Never Say Never!! Of course you're going to go to England! You want it, then you shall achieve it. Words are powerful, don't say never.

mCat said...

So as I'm looking at the pics I;m thinking to myself, when did he go to England? I know I've been MIA but not that bad, how did I miss he was goin across the pond?

Got me! THe pics are lovely but so is Southern Ut

Leah Z said...

SCENE 1, INTERIOR, LIVING ROOM. MORNING.Husband is putting on his shoes while wife feeds the baby and reads blogs.

Wife: Did you know Jason went to England?

Husband: Huh?

Wife: Jason went to England. He posted about it.


Husband: No, he didn't. It's a joke.

Wife: He did. He posted pictures.

Husband: Is he in any of them?

Wife: Uh...no, actually.

[Reading to the end of the post.]

Wife: Oh, you're right. It's a joke.

Husband: Told ya! I didn't even have to look.

[Walks over to wife and starts browsing the post.]

Husband: Besides, these shots aren't even his style.

[Fade to black.]

Anonymous said...

Well I just saw this post after having dinner last night with you. You didn't say anything about England...so I knew you were pulling someones leg! While I was living in England I wish we would have been in communication then. Wow how old would you have been? 18, 19? You would have had fun!

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