Friday, February 12, 2010

The Contest

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Addendum: Sorry that I didn't make this clear at the outset, but each blogger is allowed to comment for the one person who referred them this gives them one point, not a vote. Also, this is one per blogger account...not each member of your extended family with comments all made from the same account. Sorry for not making that more clear.

It’s been a while since I’ve offered up a free photo from my photography site or blog…so, it’s that time again.

I know. Crazy, isn’t it?

Rules? Of course there are rules. Rules are important. Rules outline our society and give us a safety net of sorts. Rules allow us to know when we’re doing what we should. Rules are boundaries. Rules let us know when we are the winners, and others are most definitely not. Also, these rules have changed up just a bit from the last time—and are far more confusing. After all, isn’t that what everyone just loves?

My thoughts exactly.

So, Teachinfourth, how does one enter this contest?

Glad you asked, because there are a myriad of ways…well, three you can do right this very second:

  1. Make a comment on this post. (Wasn’t that easy? Of course, you can only comment once for a point; none of that, ‘I’ll make a thousand comments’ junk…).
  2. Add “Adventures and Misadventures of Daily Living” to your blog sidebar (Another way to enter, and it’s worth three points? Fantastic!).
  3. Subscribe to this blog. Why not? It’s worth a point. (Obviously, you can only do each of these one time).

Before I go any farther, let me explain the above three rules just a little bit further, because I already know some of you are going to say, “Teachinfourth, you’re already on my sidebar and/or I’ve already subscribed…that’s so not fair!”

No worries. If you’ve already subscribed, or added a link on your sidebar, just let me know in your comment that you did/are doing it. Make sense? Wow, you’re already chalked up 5 points!


So, Teachinfourth, what’s another way to ‘rack up’ numbers?

Glad you asked…after all, depending on the amount of friends you have, this one could—quite literally—be a point explosion for you:

  1. Pass along a link of this blog post to a friend and have them make a comment—adding to the note, “So-and-so sent me.” (Obviously inserting your name, or that would be really hard to track now, wouldn’t it? You know, a whole group of so-and-sos). For each person who mentions your name as their “referrer,” you will get one additional tally toward your overall score. The person you referred that leaves a comment gets a point toward their score, too. (I do ask that when somebody makes a comment, they do so using their blogger/wordpress/ect., blogging account. After all, it would be far too easy to simply type a bunch of “anonymous” comments and do a lot of self-promoting now, wouldn’t it?).
  2. The two individuals with the most points will be eligible for a free matted print (up to 8 x 12) from either this blog or the Backroads Photography website when the contest ends on Friday, February, 19th at midnight. (Mountain Standard Time). If you had a photo session done sometime in the past, then the answer is ‘yes’; you are more than welcome to pick one of your proofs as your winning photo or the digital negative of that proof; if you are a creepy stalker-type person who wants a photo of some family that isn’t really yours, sorry, that’s a no-go.
  3. On February 19th check back on the comments, tally up your score, and then the two people with the most referrals send an email letting me know the print they’d like sent. It will take approximately one to two weeks for your print to arrive.

Feel free to email with any questions you have.

P.S. Past winners are eligible for this contest, too.

Teachinfourth, one final question...

Fire away.

If I win, how do I look at the photos on your blog to pick one? After all, maybe you haven't put the shot I want on your photography website yet.

The best way is to just look through posts, many are tagged such as these; this makes it easier, but the best way to do it is to click here and kind of peruse. There's a lot of shoots I've done and so forth mixed in, but that's the best way to find additional shots not on the Backroads site for for now.


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mamahasspoken said...

I have to tally up my own score on a Friday night, after a long week at work and where your time is behind my time by at least 3 hours? Oh well still want that free print!!!!

Rachel said...

Okay, done, did, already did, done it. Comment, subscribe, and you've been on my sidebar for how long now? I totally should get extra points for all of the three above which I already did/do without having to be asked!!


Richard & Natalie said...

I'm in...
-So here is my comment.
-You are already on my sidebar.
-I am going to subscribe as soon as I submit this.

"Farm Morning" will be mine!

K said...

Rachel, Rachel, Rachel Rubow sent me. I want her to win. I'll write you later about life. But I am referred to your site by the beauteous Rachel, who should win. Now. Today.

Alexandria Rammell said...

Rachel Rubow sent me and deserve the free print of our precious levi!

Corine Moore said...

Wow - That's some serious advertising on your part! LOL

You know, I've already "been there and done that" and at least one of my friends reads your blogs already (It really is true; but, she never comments), so couldn't I just have a picture for my birthday? :D (How do I put batting eyelashes on this face?)

OK - I guess that would be cheating to get one for free. But since my friends WHO BLOG already read your site, and since Rachael is already "dead bent" on winning, I will gracefully bow down. :(

Have fun with your contest! ;D

A Lark said...

Because it's the end of a "holiday" (a.k.a. hyper, sugar-filled party) school day, I only made it to about rule #3 and then the ADD kicked in. I'll try to read the rest of the rules later - otherwise I'm thinking I'll just have to steal a photo somehow. Hee hee hee (imagine maniacal, yet exhausted chuckling at this point.)

P.S. But I DO get at least a couple of points!

Sarah Tolman said...

Rachel Rubow sent me but I'm thinking I would have liked to send myself!

The Nixons said...

Natalie Parke sent me :)

L J Perotto said...

Rachel Rubow sent me. Do you travel??

The Mind of a Mom said...

Mamma packed my bags and sent me on a guilt trip and look where I landed :o) ~ Im kidding I love Mamma we have some good laughs together and this is the reason why she MUST win
and done, done and done

Dallin said...

My mom, Natalie Parke, wants it.

Virginia said...

Rachel Rubow sent me. I vote for Levi.

6greatkids said...

Natalie Parke sent me !!!!

Jeanne said...

Natalie sent me! She loves your photography. Thanks so much! her mom Jeanne

Siggy said...

Me wants to win...only to meet you in person!

Margaret said...

Rachel Rubow sent me.

Merrilee said...

Natalie Parke sent me too.

Spence said...

Natalie Parke sent me.

Rob and Marseille said...

Natalie Parke sent me (though I'm sure Rachel Rubow would like me to say she sent me too)

Sarah said...

Whoah!! I TOTALLY thought that TONIGHT was the last night and I was all in a hurry to post and I freakin' DELETED it and had to re-type it and I was all fa-reaked out because I sooo want a chance to win! I do I do I do!


- I already have your link in my sidebar.
- PLUS I have a "Four Perspectives" button on my sidebar.
- I am going to subscribe, though I don't know what to do with it when I subscribe to it.
- I will work on sending friends this way...though I'm sure Rachel totally has the monopoly on friends, WOW!
(side note: the word verification was "monopoly" spelled backwards)

Teachinfourth said...

Corine - Batting eyelashes won't're married already, remember? LOL. BTW, somebody has to give Rachel a far, it seems that she is in first place and Natalie is in second. However, there are two winners at the end of the week.

You could be one of them, girl, but I can't bend the written rules...


Sarah - You have one point just by commenting. If you send a few friends, they'll count for you, too.

LJ - Yes, I do. The farthest for a shoot was Spokane, Washington (so far).

Dallin - I didn't realize you had a blogging account...

Virginia - I'd vote for Levi, too if possible. Isn't he a great kid?

Jeanne - Thanks. I know she has her heart set on 'Farm Morning.'

Siggy - You wouldn't have to win for that. Heaven knows...I am allowed in public still.

Spencer - I had no idea you were into blogging.

R&M - Well, Natalie will get the point then, and you guys have one, too.

Sarah - You now have 5 pts. That currently puts you in 3rd place (so far). But there is still 6 more days. Get a few friends to comment to rack up a few more points.

I would count 4P for being on the sidebars, but I think the rules are already too much for me to try to change any of them now.

Los Viñas Chavez said...

Natalie Parke sent me!

Gerb said...

I'm commenting... and I subscribe. (fingers crossed)

CPost said...

Natalie Park sent me :)

Anonymous said...

Gerb sent me!

Buffy Visick said...

Gerb sent me!

Rory Mullen said...

Gerb sent me! :)

Bradford Family said...

cornie moore sent me

Larry said...

Gerb sent me!

Kimm said...

Gerb sent me!

Unknown said...

Gerb sent me!

Farscaper said...

Ok.... I'm here... 1pt
I added you to my follow list.. 1pt
I added you on my sidebar... 3pts

Heaven knows we can't afford to buy anything beautiful these days. Wish I could afford to hire you. We've never had professional picts taken... only those free/cheap ones with Santa at Christmas.

Gina said...

Gerb sent me.

novidiac said...

Gerb sent me

The Black's said...

Gerb sent me!

Anaise said...

Gerb sent me!

rena said...

gerb sent me! <3

Kathy V said...

I am SO conflicted. The truth is that Natalie Parke sent me. But I was going to read your blog last night and I got called to take care of something else and I would have done this myself. AND -- then there's the fact that Rachel is also in this, and I don't see her name in all my unread emails, so she hasn't really sent me, but I still love her.

So here's one vote for me. And I think I get another, cuz you have been in my side bar for a very long time - (so you can see) I would subscribe - if I could EVER figure out that stuff. But I read you all the time AND comment to the point annoyance, I'm sure. I don't even know what I'm in for, except that it's your photography, so I know I want it.

And I'm not too proud to send my friends. As soon as I find time to read your blog and find out exactly what it is I so desperately want to win.

I hope we all can speak to each other civilally (sp?) in church tomorrow.

Teachinfourth said...

Kathy, you get one point for commenting, and Natalie gets one because you were referred by her. You also get three others for allowing me to grace your sidebar.

You are up to 4 as of right now.

Sister Pottymouth said...

Gerb sent me.

Broughton said...

Gerb Sent Me!

Amanda said...

Gerb sent me! :D

Devon said...

Gerb sent me

Annette said...

Gerb sent me

TrinaC said...

Gerb sent me.

Mrs. Black said...

Gerb needs another point. You know she is sending more right???

Parke Family said...

Natalie Parke sent me!

Gotta Move! said...

Rachel Rubow refered me to your blog. I want Rachel to win

Deb said...

Gerb sent me!

Chastina said...

Natalie Parke sent me.

Unknown said...

What a great idea! Good luck!

Anonymous said...


Cherie said...

Greedy Gerb sent me, of course - tee hee, ha ha, wink wink.

Crafty Cowgirl said...

Supersarahann sent me.

Raysha said...

Sarah Lambson sent me.

Margaret said...

Natalie Parke sent me.

Unknown said...

Gerb sent me!

parkepreschool said...

Natalie Parke Sent me....she's so cool!

Larry said...

Gerb sent me!

Nancy said...

Gerb sent me!

Kathy V said...

Ahem. Rachel did send me.

Anonymous said...

Rachel Rubow sent me! :D

Laurinda said...

Natalie , Sent me. Good Luck Natalie

A GAL NEEDS... said...

Hi, I'm here b/c Natalie Parke suggested that I come and take a look! Looks great , so I think I'll Follow! (See following comments!) I've heard about you here and there before, this and glad to see for myself your beautiful photography!

A GAL NEEDS... said...

I added you to my huge blog list!

Tanya said...

Farscaper sent me.

Amy said...

Beautiful work! Please include me in the drawing too!

I have you on my sidebar already and I'll subscribe as soon as I get this posted!

Jen said...

Gerb sent me! :0)

Brennan Rubow said...

Rachel Rubow sent me

Unknown said...

Good googly! 82 comments! You go, boy-eeeeeeeee! ;) I have A) already added you to my sidebar, in a galaxy far far away and long long ago... and B) have already subscribed. And now I'm leaving a comment. And I'm with Rachel. Extra points totally. And an extra point for having the 4Ps button. And perhaps and extra point for being a 4Ps writer.... ;) (I'm struggling, here...)

Unknown said...

Alright, folks, Rachel and Natalie are really in the thick of it...they're coming up on a pretty sharp curve here, it's all in who can manage to get the inside advantage...

ooppps...what's this? Who is this coming up from behind and squeezing on through on that inside lane? It's GERB! WOW this is an unbelievably close run. They're all neck and neck.

(sorry, couldn't resist)

Amber said...

Gerb sent me :)

Jenny W said...

Well, Gerb sent me and even though I already KNEW it to be true, it was a marvelous reminder of just how awesome your photography is.

Teachinfourth said...

Jen, I've updated the galleries online. Your family is in there half-a-dozen times or so...

Jenn and Kylann said...

Supersarahann sent me!

Rebecca said...

Happy Valentine's Day.

GERB sent me.

Rachel said...

Lori, You crack me up! I'm thinking Gerb and Natalie are kicking my butt so I would like to just say.....

I totally love this blog! And...Rachel sent me. :D

tiburon said...

This is all so confusing. But I really want one.

And I already pimp you out on the side of my blog.

And I make you cry. How many points for that?

Pick me.

Teachinfourth said...

Okay,'ve got 4 points. Now just have your hundred friends leave a comment and you'll take it.

Debbie said...

interesting blog! I am looking forward to follow you! Hope you get a chance to stop and visit me too!:)

Crabtree Family said...

Natalie Parke sent me

La Yen said...

Gerb sent me--great blog!

Amy said...

Gerb sent me this!!!

Angie Orison said...

Rachel Rubow sent me.

Teachinfourth said...

Debbie - I'll stop by...

Sarah said...

Tiburon sent me!

Suzie said...

The Tibster sent me.
(great stuff here, too!)

J♥M said...

Tiburon sent me!

J.J. said...

Tiburon sent me.

Regan said...

Tiburon sent me. I do what she says, apparently. Go Tib!

Kellie said...

Tiburon sent me

Gwen said...

Tiburon sent me

Stacey said...

Tiburon sent me!

Meri said...

Tiburon sent me. :)

Mae Rae said...

tiburon sent me! she should get extra!

Mrs. O said...

Tiburon sent me.

Aimee said...

Tiburon sent me. :)

Shandra said...

Tiburon sent me!

Jess said...

Tiburon sent me!

kado! said...

Tiburon sent me!!!

...and she'd better win...or else!

(insert evil laugh here)

Lora said...

Tiburon sent me...

Erin said...

Tiburon sent me!

Melinda said...

Tiburon sent me.

queen of crass said...

Tiburon sent me. You should pick her. She is awesome.

Chelsea said...

Tiburon sent me!

Vanessa said...

Tiburon sent me. And threatened me.

Vennesa said...

Tiburon sent me.

veronica said...

Tiburon sent me.

Brittany said...

Tiburon sent me!

Brittany said...

Tiburon sent me

Plain Jame said...

Representin' for TIB.

alex dumas said...

A point for Tiburon please.

Wonder Woman said...

"Tiburon sent me."

Now I gotta see what this is about!

tammy said...

Tiburon sent me.

But maybe I want it for myself. Is that rude?

Kristi said...

Tiburon sent me. Great work!

Logan said...

The Shark bait twisted my arm...

Lisa said...

"Tiburon sent me"

cspokey said...

Tiburon sent me.

The Alleman Family said...

Natalie Parke sent me here.

Huffstuff said...

Natalie Parke sent me!!!!!!!

Linda said...

Natalie Parke sent me.

Mindi said...

yeah. what they said.

TIBURON sent me.

i'm a lemming. i do what i'm told. especially if she says.

viva le shark!

Jamie said...

Gerb sent me. I added you to my sidebar of favorites. I also have the 4P button. I know I have no chance of winning, but it's still a fun dream! Have a yummy sunny day! :)

Jamie said...

I also follow you! Sorry...I forgot to put that one on there.

Shannon said...

Tiburon sent me so here I am! :)

Sheena said...

Tiburon sent me! And she doesn't even know me!

Autumn said...

Gerb sent me. What a deserving gal and challenging photo shoot to get all 11 smiling simultaneously!

Karen said...

Tiburon sent me.

RoMo said...

Tiburon needs another point, please.

Miranda said...

"Tiburon sent me".

Morgan said...

Natalie Parke sent me

Carrilyne said...

Natalie sent me...

PMC said...

Rach sent me. I forgot to do it...she sent me an email like...days ago!!! Sorry....better late than never? I hope.

Trish said...

Gerb sent me! :)

But I would have stopped by anyway...LOVE you site!

Maria said...

Gerb sent me

Suze said...

Tiburon sent me!

mCat said...

Tiburon sent me. Let's all pray she wins, or there will be no living with her.

Please for the love of all that's sacred and holy.....

Unknown said...

Deanna says: Gerb sent me

Kelly Mae said...

I'm here for Tiburon!

Jon and Maryanne said...

Gerb sent me! :)

Ruhiyyih Rose said...

Tiburon sent me!

Rubie said...

Gerb sent me!

S said...

Tiburon sent me! Give it to Tib! Not only is she a super cool chick, she has a super cool name and super cool friends! TIBURON TIBURON TIBURON

Farscaper said...

Jason - Can I make a request for your next contest (if you ever have one again)?

To be fair to those of us who are not "social butterflies" and have a million friends... Could you hold something more like a random drawing and a cap on the number of entries a person can have. People like me (and many others I've seen on here) don't stand a chance against the handful of leaders in this contest. Granted.. doing it this way you get a LOT of traffic. It just makes me not even want to try (although I did my best).

Teachinfourth said...

FS - I have done both types of contests before (such as this one:

I plan on doing others like this in the future (of the 'random-type') as well as other contests like this one here.

Thanks for the suggestion, I really appreciate the feedback.


Laura said...

Tib kicks @$#. And she sent me.

Laura said...

Supersarahann sent me and now I want in on the chase for the win.... wow... thats all I can say...WOW

Chip said...

I'm the younger brother of Gerb (and she has sent me here) has given me a guilt trip, well... Even our mom would revere.

Don't even try singing that to a famous tune found in both the hymn book and children's song book!

Erin said...

Gerb sent me!

Pedaling said...

tib the shark sent me!

Denae said...

Natalie sent me.

Meredith said...

Gerb sent me :)

Jenny W said...

Yep, Jason, I enjoyed seeing them there. We'll definitely be repeat customers! Hope you're well, etc. etc.

Kara said...

What Fun-the photos, the contest your blog. Glad Gerb sent me!

M said...

Gerb sent me! (She should win, she is awesome)

Lauren at Ruth Parker Jewelry said...

Natalie sent me and I hope she wins!

Ryan and Crystal said...

Gerb Sent me

Foxy said...

Natalie sent me!

Laurel Myers said...

Natalie Parke sent me.

Ty n Casey's Mom said...

Natalie Parke sent me.

Unknown said...

Natalie Parke sent me.

Unknown said...

Tiburon sent me.

Camie Rae said...

yo, I'm team TIB!

PS nice blog.

susan said...

Gerb sent me (but don't tell her because I just stalk her blog).

Rozanne said...

Natalie Parke sent me :)

David said...

Natalie Parke sent me, too!

likessugar said...

Natalie sent me

Dave and Meg said...

the wonderful Natalie parke sent me:)!

Unknown said...

Natalie sent me

Becky said...

Gerb sent me!!!!

Unknown said...

Gerb sent me!

Cleo said...

Natalie Parke sent me!!

Maloney Fam said...

Gerb sent me.

Dia said...

Gerb sent me!!

Tiffany said...

Tiburon sent me

Unknown said...

Tiburon sent me.

rachel said...

Tiburon sent me! And she doesn't even know me! She needs to win.

Allie said...

Tiburon sent me

Melissa P said...

Tiburon sent me.

Beach House said...

Hey Gerb, your going to win I know it..

Beach House said...

hey gerb, you will win...

Unknown said...

Gerb sent me!

olivia said...

Gerb sent me.

More points to her!

And your brilliant contest is working nicely to your publicity, I'm subscribing now too.

Ben said...

Gerb sent me?

Mackenzie said...

Tiburon sent me.

Liz said...

Tiburon sent me!

Lyns said...

Tiburon sent really---she did..

Mimi said...

Supersarahann sent me!

Gividen Fam said...

Tiburon the great sent me. Seriously, nobody else deserves to win other than her. We can let others have a chance, but it's like the battle between God and Satan. We all know whose going to win in the end and we just have to come to terms with that and pick the side we want to be on.

Unknown said...

My vote is for Tiburon. She rocks!

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

Natalie sent me!

You are in my sidebar...and I will figure out how to subscribe.

Unknown said...

Natalie sent me here...

Jen said...

Gerb sent me

Unknown said...

Tiburon sent me

Crafty Christina said...

Tiburon sent me!!

Unknown said...

Gerb sent me!

Teresa said...

Tiburon sent me.

Shawna said...

Gerb sent me!

Maren said...

Tiburon sent me! Good Luck y'all!

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