Friday, February 12, 2010

The Contest

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Addendum: Sorry that I didn't make this clear at the outset, but each blogger is allowed to comment for the one person who referred them this gives them one point, not a vote. Also, this is one per blogger account...not each member of your extended family with comments all made from the same account. Sorry for not making that more clear.

It’s been a while since I’ve offered up a free photo from my photography site or blog…so, it’s that time again.

I know. Crazy, isn’t it?

Rules? Of course there are rules. Rules are important. Rules outline our society and give us a safety net of sorts. Rules allow us to know when we’re doing what we should. Rules are boundaries. Rules let us know when we are the winners, and others are most definitely not. Also, these rules have changed up just a bit from the last time—and are far more confusing. After all, isn’t that what everyone just loves?

My thoughts exactly.

So, Teachinfourth, how does one enter this contest?

Glad you asked, because there are a myriad of ways…well, three you can do right this very second:

  1. Make a comment on this post. (Wasn’t that easy? Of course, you can only comment once for a point; none of that, ‘I’ll make a thousand comments’ junk…).
  2. Add “Adventures and Misadventures of Daily Living” to your blog sidebar (Another way to enter, and it’s worth three points? Fantastic!).
  3. Subscribe to this blog. Why not? It’s worth a point. (Obviously, you can only do each of these one time).

Before I go any farther, let me explain the above three rules just a little bit further, because I already know some of you are going to say, “Teachinfourth, you’re already on my sidebar and/or I’ve already subscribed…that’s so not fair!”

No worries. If you’ve already subscribed, or added a link on your sidebar, just let me know in your comment that you did/are doing it. Make sense? Wow, you’re already chalked up 5 points!


So, Teachinfourth, what’s another way to ‘rack up’ numbers?

Glad you asked…after all, depending on the amount of friends you have, this one could—quite literally—be a point explosion for you:

  1. Pass along a link of this blog post to a friend and have them make a comment—adding to the note, “So-and-so sent me.” (Obviously inserting your name, or that would be really hard to track now, wouldn’t it? You know, a whole group of so-and-sos). For each person who mentions your name as their “referrer,” you will get one additional tally toward your overall score. The person you referred that leaves a comment gets a point toward their score, too. (I do ask that when somebody makes a comment, they do so using their blogger/wordpress/ect., blogging account. After all, it would be far too easy to simply type a bunch of “anonymous” comments and do a lot of self-promoting now, wouldn’t it?).
  2. The two individuals with the most points will be eligible for a free matted print (up to 8 x 12) from either this blog or the Backroads Photography website when the contest ends on Friday, February, 19th at midnight. (Mountain Standard Time). If you had a photo session done sometime in the past, then the answer is ‘yes’; you are more than welcome to pick one of your proofs as your winning photo or the digital negative of that proof; if you are a creepy stalker-type person who wants a photo of some family that isn’t really yours, sorry, that’s a no-go.
  3. On February 19th check back on the comments, tally up your score, and then the two people with the most referrals send an email letting me know the print they’d like sent. It will take approximately one to two weeks for your print to arrive.

Feel free to email with any questions you have.

P.S. Past winners are eligible for this contest, too.

Teachinfourth, one final question...

Fire away.

If I win, how do I look at the photos on your blog to pick one? After all, maybe you haven't put the shot I want on your photography website yet.

The best way is to just look through posts, many are tagged such as these; this makes it easier, but the best way to do it is to click here and kind of peruse. There's a lot of shoots I've done and so forth mixed in, but that's the best way to find additional shots not on the Backroads site for for now.


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 213 of 213
Jennie said...

Tiburon sent me!

Jeannie said...

Tib sent me -please oh please oh please let her win

Anna said...

Gerb sent me:)!

Heidi / Jack's Pack said...

Tiburon sent me

Ashley said...

Gerb sent me!

Richard & Natalie said...

I admit defeat.
CONGRATULATIONS to Gerb & Tiburon!!!

Thank you TF for a fun contest and creative way to share your talent with the rest of our family & friends.

tiburon said...

Okay I counted a total of 67 for me.

But that could be wrong. I am a little sleepy.

Raising Maddie and Bob said...

Tiburon sent me.

Steph said...

Gerb sent me, too!

Camille said...

Gerb sent me!

Anonymous said...

Rachel sent me . . . and Levi . . . and all the rest,

Anonymous said...

I like. Natalie Parke sent me.

Anonymous said...

Natalie P sent me

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