Well, this would be a bit of a difficulty for me, but I decided to take her up on this particular dare as she’s been taking me up on the challenge that I recently threw down…besides, she double-dog dared. Who in their right mind can refuse a double-dog dare?
Yeah, my thoughts exactly.
Just so as I’d remember, when I went to bed last night I set my camera down on the table so I would remember to take a photo of what I looked like first thing in the morning—it’s not always the prettiest, but remember: she dared, therefore, I did it.
When I awoke—face creased and pillow-wrinkled—I stumbled toward the bathroom and saw the camera. Once I did, I remembered the challenge and grumblingly snapped the picture, not even caring how the image turned out; however, after taking a hot shower, the ‘monster’ inside (and outside) of me just seemed to melt away with the rushing of water and down the drain. It wasn’t but a few minutes before I found a transformation taking place—I was rapidly becoming who it is that I usually am on a daily basis.

Whilst I'm not usually an avid makeup wearer, I decided to throw off all inhibitions and go for it—I went all out and now I have to ask the masses:
What do you think? Is Maybelline really my thing?

No. No, I don't think you do. But you have me laughing hysterically, doesn't that count for something?
wow.........that look really suits you.
Gotta love a little Edward.
I'm sure you sister is going to love this post..
And you're looking a little gray....you need some sun.... :)
This was hilarious! You are a brave soul to take that challenge head on, I am not quite sure I would be up to it.
I think I prefer the you with out the "makeup" :)
LOL... we all wish we could clean up that well!!
You should have had a "Use the bathroom before you read this." disclaimer at the beginning of this post! Totally LOVED it!!!
Good try with the makeup, but strangely, it makes you look like Rob Pattinson- yuck. (He's not quite Edward in my mind.) Next time you decide to experiment with makeup I will send you a Mary Kay consultant.
You are hilarious.
Thanks for the laugh!!I needed it!! Though I can't help but think the first picture was a little, shall I say it, staged? I just came seem to see you as one who wouldn't wake up with a smile on his face and a song on his lips!
L - I guess it does...so you're saying ixnay on the makeup?
M - Excellent...now if I can just maintain that look throughout the entire day.
D - I'm not usually one to turn down a reasonable challenge. So, a no on the makeup, eh?
N - Some of us are just blessed; what can I say?
N - Hope that there weren't any accidents which couldn't be easily cleaned up.
M - Only on Thursdays.
B - Oh, that's TOTALLY what I look like every morning...In fact, I don't even register it's morning until I 'wake up' in the shower...until then, it's a totally different being altogether.
I take no responsibility for it whatsoever.
Okay that is it.
I just fell in love with you.
In a I-am-married-so-it-can't-really-go-anywhere-but-you-are-my-kind-of-guy-and-aren't-we-supposed-to-love-everyone-kind-of-way.
My daughter laughed and then said shame on you for taking Robert's morning look! LoL
Seriously the most hilarious thing I have read in a really, really long time. I am still laughing. I will still be laughing tomorrow.
You. Crack. Me. Up!
Oh. My. Word. You are a crack up! I'm so glad you took on this challenge. I can't believe how brave you were. Trying makeup and everything. But yeah...it's not a good look for you.
To quote a childhood friend of mine, "I like you just the way you are." (Even more now that you did this challenge.)
Wow! That is some transformation after makeup! What did you have for breakfast? A deer, perhaps!
Thanks for the laugh!
T - Platonic love is good love, too.
M - Shame on me...
G - I was going for the periods between each word in a sentence; looks like I really worked it well. Glad I was good for a grin.
S - Sounds like a Billy Joel song, to be honest - Honestly. Thanks for posting it on your blog first.
A - Doe. A deer. A female deer.
At first all I could think was, "Wow he really is gung-ho about challenges!" Glad you are though because I enjoyed that laugh immensely. Well played.
Dude. I loved your early morning picture, but the vamp look? Makes me suddenly want to buy darts. I need to connect with you. I have to do some research for a book, and you, I just realized, are a wonderful source for what I'm after. I'm friends with the Rubows and a number of others you know, so I'm going to beg an introduction.
Yuck, not a fan of guys who wear makeup, even if they are famous vampires! You look much better au naturel.
I absolutely LOVED this! I needed a smile today...and a laugh!
L - Not ALL challenges, but this one seemed like I could handle it well enough.
K - Book? Hopefully it's not a book about off-the-wallness; if so...well, enough said.
As for introductions, no begging is necessary. Send an email...if you know the Rubow Family, you will know how to get hold of me.
V - I've been getting that from most of the comments; however, I usually just use the makeup to hide my shimmery diamond-like skin.
K - Well, when you're beautiful you should share that with the world...for laughter or smiles.
You are a nut. A nut in a good way. When I finally get out of this disgusting sick bed I will show this post to Matthew. He will think it quite funny.
As for the vampire look......you just had to go and pick a S.M. character didn't ya.... BLECK! Since this is YOUR blog..and NOT MINE I'll refrane from commenting on what I think on THAT subject and how literature is going....down the tubes......
Nope! Not gonna say a word!
LOL!!!! Good show old chap!
Jason!!! I had no idea! Wow! Ooo la la! :) Hey, long lost friend. It was great to see you...even if it was only for a moment. I hope the trip was a good one. Later Gator! P.S. I hope my kids didn't rough you up too much!
ummmm.... I'm a little worried now.
Wow, I look at the end of my day what you look as awaking. Whats with this.......... Love, Dad
R - Somebody has to be funny while the rest of the world is ill.
Hope you feel better soon.
M - Glad it was good for a smile.
J - It was good to see you for the brief few moments our paths crossed...hopefully next time it will be a bit longer.
J - Only be worried when I get the sparkly skin.
Dad - I guess it runs in the family, just in reverse?
I have never met a male blogger before! I thought blogging was run by teh female persuasion. I am adding you to my reader because you seem funny, LOVED the picture Before/AFTER (although it would have been better with Jacob's head, sorry I'm a Jacob fan.)
See ya around in bloggy land. Also adding you to my reader cause Tiburon is in my reader and she cracks me up. Since she reads you, you MUST be good....:)
No pressure, ok?
Oh, no. I think if you looked like Carrot Top in your before pictures, you would still look hotter than the after makeup one.
Way to play along the right way. I have caught nothing but crap from Tiburon for not doing it right.
And BTW, you were the talk of our lunch yesterday...just so you know.
I think your entry was the best ever.
Just found you off of Tiburons page. Hope you don't mind a new follower. Your posts crack me up!
J - Thanks for laughing along with most...
OCB - I hope that I don't disappoint anywhere in the near future...(gulp). I guess if I end up being a failure after a few weeks you could always just delete me right? I wouldn't take it (too) personally...
K - Much gratuity is being sent your way...
V - I hope it was 'talk of our lunch' in a good way.
T - Glad it made for a smile (it was a smile, right?)
S - Well, as long as you're not a psychopath, you're welcome here anytime. Thanks for reading, and thanks for commenting as well.
hahaha, hysterical. Put Jacob's face on there and I would have been really impressed. And drooly.
Oh my goodnes.. That was just sooo funny!!!
You know... it's not a fair challenge though. I have yet to meet a guy who looks bad in the morning. (well... one that looks good in the daytime that is).
HA! love it!
...i came over from Tib's blog...
O - I just put the first Twilight character I could think of...sorry to disappoint.
FS - I don't know...sometimes it can get pretty scary.
K - Thanks for stopping by.
R - Glad you liked it.
Good one. :)
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