I have.
I thought about my mom and dad tonight, mostly because of the memories this band evokes every time I listen to them. I remember those long trips to visit my grandmother's house, or the trips out to Cloverleaf Beach on the Columbia River, during those sweltering days of summer amongst the pine-ridden mountains of Washington State.
The family would be piled in the car and dad would slip the cassette into the car stereo; we'd then drive the miles to either one destination or the other - the windows would be down as summer blew all around the vehicle, music spilling out into the world around us and left behind in our wake.
It was because of this that Fleetwood Mac, and more especially their album, Rumors, came to be somewhat a tether to my childhood and memories of the past.
Tonight I sat at laptop and fired up iTunes as I worked on various and sundry items. As I looked at the computer screen before me, I saw - staring back at me from the veritable smorgasbord of music - a Fleetwood Mac tune or two nestled in amongst all of the others. I clicked on one, and it wasn’t long before I was reminiscing back on those times – the simpler moments of life when it was others that made life’s major decisions for me - back in a day when I was dependent upon my parents - lodged back in a time when the greatest worries I had in life was whether or not Maye Clamm really liked me or not, and wonderings of if my goldfish was going to still be alive when I got home from school that day.
I also thought about my grandma....
I thought of her little house and the flowers she grew around it. I remembered the distinct smell of canned cat food and the red kitchen counters. I thought of her affinity for The Pink Panther, and the secret second drawer down in the kitchen that was always filled with candy – it was like a treasure chest of sugary goodness.

The music is still the portal; it is the conduit into yesteryear; a lighthouse standing solidly as it shines its light into a troubled sea.
For quite some time I listened to my favorites from the album – some more than others – and thought of the times in my distant past.
Today, I am grateful for music; I am grateful for the journeys it can take us on; for the moments that it allows us to relive - if even just for a few few brief seconds...
This is a playlist of all the songs I could find online from the Rumors album, and I also added a few other Fleetwood Mac classics that I just couldn't seem to get enough of...I hope you enjoy this playlist as much as I do.
Goodnight my friends...
On a final note...while I’m not necessarily a huge fan of cover songs, I would have to say that this cover of Fleetwood Mac’s “You Make Loving Fun” by Dustin Christensen is one of those songs that simply defies the odds.
I hope you can make it a part of your memories…and better yet, it’s free...you can even download it directly from the link below.
You Make Loving Fun by DustinChristensen
If you wanted, you could like Dustin here.
What sweet memories and your photos here...Times were simpler when we were younger because we were young, non experienced..Fleetwood Mac was one of my favorites and yes, I do go back in time whenever I hear a song of theirs!. :-)
Oh I remember that album. I was in high school and in the band. We would try to figure out how to play the songs on our various instruments, especial Tusk. I can hear in my head now the trumpets, trombones, flutes, clarinets, saxophones and of course the tuba playing before class starts, trying to get it right so that at the next football game we would play it in the stands because we rolled like that.
But at least your parents played good music in the car. Mine always played some hellish country music that made your ears bleed....
Your posts are always so thought provoking --- and I love this one!
Music is a big part of who I am & certain songs take me back to certain days in my childhood.
One song in particular, "Brand New Key" by Melanie. I was standing in World Market with my hubby one night when this came on there Sirus overhead & I was immediately taken back to the kitchen when I was younger & standing by the radio waiting to hit the record button on my cassette recorder & my mom yelling at me "turn that song off - it drives me crazy"....so I of course, would turn it up & she would roll her eyes & smile.
Thanks for the memories!
Music is a portal is a good way of putting it. I keep trying to tell The Native's about the power of music and the importance of being careful with it because it can wreak havoc on your emotions. For better or for worse.
It is through music that I feel the spirit the most.
Saturdays going up to the ski area. Dad playing Manheim Steamroller.
It truly is so amazing how music can throw you back in time. Whenever I listen to anything from The Eagles, I think of my dad. Old musicals remind me of my mom. Numbers of songs throw me back to high school, or college dorms...
Music truly is powerful.
I love Fleetwood Mac. I have a whole nother set of memories associated with them. My family road trips center around Simon and Garfunkle. It's amazing what music can do to transport us isn't it?
I'm going through one of those phases where music is like a super-emotion in my life. That can be good and bad, but it's amazing what music can do to and for the soul.
I have always liked Fleetwood Mac's.
It is so true, that the music of our youth and teenage years really Mold us. Stick deep within us.
then when we hear the songs again, it stirs up alllll those emotions and memories.(good or bad)
Funny...but I just did a post today myself on Music.
You definitely have a way with words.
When I was a child, traveling with my parents, We listened to Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Jim Reeves...you get the picture. As a teenager and Young adult I listened to Fleetwood Mac and many others that would take me away to simple times and still take me to those carefree days.
Be glad you didn't travel with us. My kids listened to Everly Brothers, Kingston Trio, and Peter Paul and Mary. Those are the songs my husband loves. To this day all my kids know every word to "wake up Little Suzie" and "Greenback Dollar" but I wouldn't let them say the word "damn"! :)
Great Post and definately a cute picture of a 9 year old YOU!
Fleetwood Mac most definately holds sacred memories for me! I grew up with them when they were in their prime and I still love them!
Your post brought back memories for me...
"Sneaking" buttermints from the dresser in my grandparent's room.... (Amazingly they never ran out.)
Sipping an ice cold Dr. P in Grandma's kitchen... (Maybe that's part of the reason I still like the good doctor.)
Listening to records and cassettes... (and yes, a few 8 tracks...) on the old stereo - America, Boston, The Eagles, and yes, of course - some Fleetwood Mac... and so many more... (Man... I'd almost forgotten some of those classics... I'm going to have to search for some of those tunes now...)
Road tripping to Idaho to visit family in an old Plymouth Duster without air-conditioning - the windows rolled down and my brothers and sisters and I alternately singing, laughing, and arguing... Stopping along the road to fill up the car and grab a treat of Moose Bars or Monkey Bars...
Such wonderful moments...
Amazing what can trigger a memory - a taste, a smell, an old familiar tune greeting you like a forgotten friend...
Thanks for the walk down memory lane.
So beautifully written. This post brought up many memories for me also. I love the picture of you shoveling snow, so much like you to do this, asked or not :)
The picture of your grandmother was taken while she was sitting on a bench at the beach. Lake Coeur d' Alene, Forth of July, not sure what year. We had a picnic then stayed for the fireworks.
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