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I’ve gotten a few emails lately.
It appears that several sites are interested in helping me to ‘monetize’ my blog. All I have to do is to put a few advertisements and links on this site allowing you to shop to your heart’s content when you’re finished reading over the various and sundry aspects of my life’s adventures.

Now my friends, what

could possibly be the better than this? You could do all of your shopping by wildly clicking away, and I will be raking in the big bucks.

Sounds like the Covey win-win to me.

Besides, you probably won't even notice them...they'll be SO discreet and cleverly situated that they won't deter from the site at all.

However, I know that I personally can’t stand when a site has so many advertisements slathered all over it that you can’t even seem to breathe…but hey, that’s just me. YOU on the other hand would probably love it.

After all, what would be better than everything you possibly would never want right at your very fingertips?
Am I right?
Of course I am.
So, here’s to me bowing down to the whims of the corporate dollar and bringing us all closer together.

Okay, maybe no bowing quite yet, but perhaps sometime in the near future…
Until then, enjoy Adventures & Misadventures

of Daily Living ad free for just a little bit longer.
Very clever... and so subtly placed I hardly knew they were there... ha ha!
Love it! Thanks for not selling out... yet...
I was running over to welcome you to the dark side! Perhaps soon then. Until then, continue being your Indy self. :)
Psh, you don't even notice the ads! And if you choose to sell out, know I won't blame you! If you can earn a few bucks doing something you love, then why not? It doesn't bother me when I see a little ad in the sidebar.
I'm sorry. Did you say something? I was busy going to ebay to buy some Doritos and got a two for one. Buy one bag of Doritos get some brown M&M's for free. I was so excited about the savings that I splurged and went to McDonald's and bought me a Big Mac and tried their new Dr. Pepper Ten. Have you tried it? If not, you should. It is only ten calories but gives you the energy of an energizer bunny and the figure of some leopard slinky wearing model with a capachino mustache.
Oh. Beware. If you do drive with a capachino mustache be careful. I got pulled over in my BMW. Turns out, it's illegal to drink and drive at the same time! Who knew! I almost got a ticket but was able to talk the officer out of it by stopping at Subway and bought him some dinner.
So sorry about your blog post. As you can see, I've been really busy. If you'd send it to me in Adobe format in an email I can print it and read it while I'm on vacation.
You didn't know I was going on vacation? I am. To visit my mom. She's always telling me stories about how I would cover my face in beetle juice when I was little and how I'd make faces that only a mother could love. She's great that way.
Gosh..... I just 'heart' so many things in this world.... makes me feel all marshmallowy inside...
Subliminal, almost... ;)
You'll have to be sure to include moving graphics next time...the one thing I hate more than too many ads! LOL
I really hope you stay ad free. But if you choose to monetize, it won't keep me away. =)
Cleverly annoying!
I, for one, am VERY happy that you are ad free. I find blogs that have them too visually messy...
That kid with the chocolate on his head is kind of freaky.
But this post was pure genius.
Personally, I hate the ads. Despise them. My son, the "how to make money advertising on the web" guru keeps telling me I should, but I refuse. I'd rather make my money the old fashioned way. Like selling some of my soul or something
You are always so darn clever. (I'm envious.) I have to say that I tried the "ad thing" and hated it...mainly b/c they come with a TON of rules. I do, however, love the occasional product review/sponsored giveaway. My boys have some cool toys b/c of them! :)
P.S. I never put anything on my blog that I'm not familiar with, tho. Some "sponsors" have given me things that I really love and some are just cool people that have things I really love.
I am with M-Cat, 100%
I go to peoples blogs because I want to know about them, learn from Them....
Not the ads
I'm okay with a few ads. That is until I get the one that pops up right over the text I'm reading and then continues to move as I scroll frantically trying to get away from it. But, you know I would still come, ads or no ads. Where else would I get my "Joey" and "Kodachrome" fix? ;)
I don't do ads either. I like to create my own atmosphere on my blog, not a seller's.
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