Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Dollar

Pin It I used to be a PE teacher.

Of course, this was several years ago, back when I was going to BYU.

During that time I made friends with a family whom I’ve kept in contact with for the past decade of my life. I’ve been over to their house for the 4th of July, Thanksgiving, and even had them over to my house for dinner. I took Robbie’s senior pictures and family photos as well. They’ve come to see me perform at ComedySportz too. In short, they are some very close friends of mine.

Well, the years have flown since Robbie was a fifth grader in one of my PE classes, and he has since left for The Netherlands to serve a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Recently, I was writing Robbie a letter. As I did, I felt compelled to slip a dollar bill in the envelope and added a quick P.S. which said, Everyone needs a dollar. I then sent the letter, giving no more thought to it, or the dollar bill.

Robbie’s mom called me two days ago and told me that Robbie had written to her. In his letter he said the following:

Mr. Z sent me a package a little bit ago and at the end of the letter, he wrote, “P.S. Everyone needs a dollar” and gave me a dollar. Ever since I was like 11 or 12, I have carried a dollar with me in my scriptures, because he told me that he always carried one around too. What is funny is that a month ago, we were tracting and we met this Iraqi family, and this little kid was asking me all these different things about America like, “Have you met Arnold Schwarzenegger?” “Have you been to Hollywood?” etc. Anyway, he was really into it, so I gave him my American Dollar, only to have it replaced by Mr. Z…

Isn’t it amazing, that something we may tell a child in their youth may be the thing which sticks with them throughout their life? Like this simple dollar, the example we set before them each day may have a greater impact than we can ever fully realize.

I’m glad I sent the dollar…

Was it coincidence?

Probably not.


Cari said...

Okay. You have so many cool stories about past students that you really need to write a book. This is so cool!

annette said...

You said it! " the example we set ... may have a greater impact than we can ever fully realize."

BTW, Do you still carry a dollar around and do you keep one in your scriptures?

Anonymous said...

Thats is so awesome! and I ditto the comment from Cari....I hope you keep a journal!

Emily said...

Can I have a dollar? :)

Julie said...

I love it when stuff like that happens! I think we all "need a dollar."

Gerb said...

I used to always wear a safety pin, to keep me safe. A dollar makes a little more sense.

Teachinfourth said...

Cari - I have a few of them written down, most of them are in my head...

Nettle - I do still have various "dollars" hidden in my car, my house, my hiking backpack, etc., you never know when you may need them for various and sundry reasons.

Kris - Love ya.

Emmy - For you? Anytime!

Jewels - I love the line from Smash Mouth's song, "All Star" which says, "Somebody once asked, "Could you spare some change for gas?
I need to get myself away from this place."
I said, "Yep, what a concept.
I could use a little fuel myself
And we could all use a little change..."

Gerb - I wore a PE whistle under my white shirt almost my whole first year of teaching...a scared teacher's "safety blanket" so to speak...

Kathy said...

Z-Bot, your are awesome! That story made me think of you and Aaron when he was going to get baptized and asked if you could come. Your reply was, "For a dollar!" There is something about you and dollars. Anyway, thanks for sharing that story you are the best!!! Love & miss you!

Teachinfourth said...


I do plan to complete a blog about that one someday...just a matter of time, you know?

Miss and love you too!

Danielle said...

Your blogs are just so amazingly entertaining to read! You're awesome

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