Saturday, April 12, 2008


Pin It I will be gone.

I decided this a few days ago. I am going to southern Utah.

When am I coming back? I don't know.

Where exactly am I going? Well, to be honest, I haven’t fully decided. There are those “familiar haunts” which I really enjoy being at, however, I am feeling the need for someplace new…you know, a place I haven’t seen before; a new adventure eagerly awaiting my eyes.

All I know is that I am going.


Graton said...

Spring is such a glorious time for hiking and exploring. Have a terrific time.

Anonymous said...

There is a place up above Pine Valley camp ground.

jacs said...

some place new? what lies you tell!....but ive got this great pamphlet....

annette said...

I am so jealous! I hope your adventure was beautiful and inspiring.

Julie said...

Have a great adventure! You deserve it.

Teachinfourth said...

Sparky - It was a blast!

Kris - I'm going to have to check that out...there was this guy who gave me a ride when I got my car stuck who spoke highly of that place too...

Jacs - Hmmmm...

Nettle - It was a lot of fun. I'm glad that I went.

Jewels - It sounds like you had a fun little trip over the break too!

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