Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The tale of a Blog & a found family

Pin It Once there was a blog…

The writer of this blog got a comment on his site…somebody named Danielle. Who the heck was Danielle? The blog’s author quickly checked out her profile. The photo did not look familiar…who was this woman anyway? The blogster was completely bewildered, however, since his blog was open to the public, she was probably just a passer-by, one who stopped in for but a moment and then was gone.

Soon the blogster noticed yet another comment, this time from a “Josh & Jaylee.” Okay, now who were these people? Yet again the blogster was at a loss for who these people were, however, after checking out a few photos on their site, came to realize that it was a set of cousins from a particular branch of the family tree the blogster had thought had been cut away and forgotten.

Soon yet another comment was put onto the blogsters blogsite—a comment on a blogging about something-or-other and what-nots; various and sundry items to be sure. This comment was from Kris…wait, could it be the blogsters Aunt Kris? The one he hadn’t seen or had any contact with in twenty or so years?

Indeed it was…and hence lays a story.

Now, this story is too detailed and in-depth to fully explain, so I will instead sum up…

I haven’t seen some of my relatives in a long time…it’s been nearly 20 years. Why haven’t I kept in contact with them? I thought I established that when I said that I was a cat….

Well, this past weekend I was able to reconnect with two of my cousins, an uncle, and my aunt. I have to be honest; I was a bit leery about seeing them all again after so much time had gone by. What would they be like? Would we get along? What if we all have absolutely nothing in common? What if this is just courting disaster?

Well, I drove down to St. George to take photos at my cousin, Danni’s, wedding on Saturday as was the request of my aunt, the one I hadn’t seen in so many years. As I drove the monotonous miles southward, my mind was a torrent of thought. I was wondering just what to expect from it all…

I wasn’t too thrilled to be honest.

So, what happened?

Well, I saw family members whom I hadn’t seen in years, and I discovered that I liked them still…even more surprising is when I found out that they still liked me too. We had some great laughs together and we talked about a lot of things. We connected with common stories of grandparents now long gone, and experiences we’d had back when we were all a little bit younger.

As we were sitting at lunch one day we rehashed a certain story where my cousin, Josh, had leapt from the stairwell (after being warned that I was not going to catch him) and he ended up splitting his head open when he hit the wall. I had felt terrible about this incident still but in talking about it—and laughing about it—came to realize that it was pretty funny. But the most touching part about this was my cousin, Josh, looked at me and said something to the effect of, “Did you ever know that you were my favorite cousin?”

I hadn’t known this.

I sat there as the conversation changed, as it did I wondered why I hadn’t kept in contact with Josh, Danni, and Kris over the years. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to reconnect with this certain branch of the family tree I hadn’t been around for so long.

And the blogger lived happily, ever after…


♥Concerned♥ said...

Yay!!! Yay for the cousin and his family (a.k.a. ME!)!! Give us a call when you come down, we would love to see you again. P.S. I'm gonna need a copy of that photo (without the arrow and words) if it so pleases his royal photo-taker. Pretty Please ;)

Anonymous said...

Well that was the bestest story ever!!! You blog really good too! You know we always loved you, we talk about old times a lot in this family to keep the people in it part of our lives. You are welcomes anytime to come and visit. Auntie Kris says so! So next time you do come down the drive will be more relaxed. I can't wait to see the pictures you have taken. Your the best ever!

Gerb said...

It is so great to reconnect with family. Glad everyone had a 'happily ever after'!

Emily said...

I wish IIIIIIIIII were in your family. I stalk your blog like I'm family, does that count?

My name isn't original either. It's always on the top 10 for girls every year. Don't you think I have a Catholic saint sounding name?

annette said...

When I went back home for my class reunion I felt the same way- and it turned out to be a surprisingly great experience. I think we worry too much.

Danielle said...

Well, I'm glad you ended up having a good time! We really miss seeing the "Scott" side of the family. I love all of them so much, but don't see them often enough. And even though you would tease me relentlessly, I LOVED going over to your house when I was little and I really looked up to you and Shawna. I hope you won't ever hesitate to come visit us, especially when we live so close! I SOOO appreciate you traveling down to take the pictures. You're AWESOME!!

Teachinfourth said...

J&J - It was fun to see you guys again this past week...we'll need to make this a tradition every few months or so.

Kris - Glad you liked the photos. I had a great time seeing you...both days!

Gerb - Well, it's not over yet...

Emmy - You really do! As for being in the family, I think you can be "counted in."

Nettle - I don't know if I'll EVER be ready to go back to one of those...

Dani-Scream - It was good to see you too. I just read over your blog about it...we'll have to stay in touch in the future!

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