Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What to do, what to do…

Pin It As I was readying myself to compose a blog this evening complete with tales of adventure and intrigue, I decided first to check my email. As usual, there are the various and sundry forwarded items which, at best, get a quick glance before being dumped into the “trash” bin, the letters from friends letting me know that Saturday just won’t work out for them, but they hope the event is a success nonetheless, and emails from a student or two begging for more time for their literature responses.

As I was answering these varied emails, I noticed that I had one from Chase.” Perhaps you remember this boy…he was the student who threw down the gauntlet over a month ago and challenged me to wear a button-up shirt and tie each day at school. Well, he sent me an email with the subject line of: shirt and tie.

The email read thus:

Mr. Z,

It's your dream come true. It's Christmas, only the presents are all yours. I, “Chase,” am calling off the bet. Well really my parents made me stop, but all the same DON'T WEAR A SUIT OR TIE.

As I read over this email I have to admit, I felt two contrasting emotions at the same time. One emotion, relief, was cheering at the top of it’s lungs at the prospect of not having to be stuffed into those uncomfortable clothes each and every day. The other emotion, disappointment, hung it’s head and patted me on the back, “Well, it’s over now.” It seemed to say. “When you walk into the classroom tomorrow you’ll be the only one dressed up from now on.”

I guess I didn’t realize just how accustomed I’d become to Chase dressing up each day. A part of me is really going to miss that. So now comes the question:

Do I stop wearing the tie each day, just because Chase will not be doing it any longer? OR should I keep on “dressing up” each day, despite the fact that the challenge has been rescinded? I find myself at a loss this evening, caught between professionalism and comfort. Which of these two paths would be the better to follow?

What to do, what to do?


♥Concerned♥ said...

In the words of Kevin Kline "Wow, tough decision, Charlie." Hmmm...I guess it doesn't sound the same without the thick French accent.

But still, to dress up, or not to dress up, that is the question...

I am at a loss.

If it were me, I'd wear my pjs. :P

Cari said...

Seriously, I think dressing professional commands respect but there are such things as "Casual Fridays".

Anonymous said...

I'm with Cari, dressing up as a teacher does commands respect. But If you were a woman would you want to wear a dress everyday? I think not. So maybe a Mon. and Weds. tie day should do it. And on Friday get one of those t-shirts with a tie printed on it. hehe.;P

Julie said...

Good luck with that!

jacs said...

one of the zip,no i have it! t shirt and a clip on!! it's a go batman!

annette said...

So, is this the reason you have been all "sharp dressed man" this week?

Well, I approve!

Gerb said...

Yeah, dressing up is a good idea - but dressing down is so much more comfortable! When given the choice I would always prefer my Levis.

summer said...

I had a post - it became deleted because I was logged in under my other account. It was long (it's me...and I haven't posted in awhile, so this was going to be my apologetic post as well!), it was full of really great insights and thoughts about how you see essence it exuded witt and charm...very Meg Ryan' would have loved it. Now I don't have time now to repost it all, but here is the nutshell - remember I'm a girly-girl and LOVE to keep that in mind!
1) Keep at it - was it really about "Joey" or did you do it because that is who you are?
2) I think that dressing down and becoming more casual in our appeareance was the catalyst of why our society is so very lenient in our behavior, speech, and of course how we present ourselves...basically one of the declines of our society.
3) There is much more than white!...go shopping and get some new colors in the wardrobe....I LOVE men's fashions - there is so much you can say with your shirt and tie! Get some cool shirts with new colors with some small details (stripes, etc) and maybe even some new ties, yes they may not all have Calvin on them! :) Maybe after the LofM we can go shopping...
4) actually I don't know if there is a 4. Maybe - good luck with the decision. You'll do what you see as the best decision, which really I think deep down we usually already know what it is that we want to do, we just either want extra validation, or just to pose a question as Kathleen Kelly says it best, "I don't really want an answer. I just want to send this cosmic question out into the void. So good night, dear void."

annette said...

This is just a note for Summer...

Next time you accidently log in under the wrong acct, just copy your post before you change logs, then just paste after the change. I do this all the time.

Teachinfourth said...

J&J - It would be more comfortable...

Cari - Yeah, I agree with the "intimidation factor"...uh, I mean, respect factor.

Kris - Good thing I'm not a woman, however, those ties can be killer sometimes.

Jewels - Luck accepted.

Jaq - Um, probably not.

Nettle - Nah, I just wanted to dress up a bit more than usual...I just might do the same thing next week. Not sure just yet.

Gerb - I guess there is only a month or so left...right?

Summer - You pegged it..I guess I just wanted to throw a cosmic question out to the void. And to just say what a bummer it was when "Joey" stopped dressing up. I had gotten used to it.

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