Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Recent Photos

Pin It When I was back in Spokane for my brother’s wedding, my little sister and I visited the town I’d lived in when I was kid. Consequently, this is the same town I used as the setting for “Take the Long Way Home.”

“So, Teachinfourth, how’s the writing coming?

Back burner. Need I say more?

The main reason we had gone to Rockford was so that I could show my sister where we’d once lived…granted, it was before she was born…but our family lived there, nonetheless (by the way, the home is pictured on the front cover located HERE.)

As we drove around this small Washington town, I noticed this amazing little building which just seemed to call to me, so that I might take its picture. I was amazed at one set of doors which had been painted a few times, and had since cracked, faded, and peeled. As I raised my camera I was not disappointed, the ancient wood put on its finest colors for the shot.

This third photo was not actually taken in the early-morning fog—as one might suspect; but rather taken from inside a cloud.

I was staying up at my friends’ house and as I left their home early on the morning of my brother’s wedding, I was in the midst of a hazy wonderland. It opened up the spectral view from their mountaintop home where a simple bush became a heavenly silhouette.


Anonymous said...

I love the photos on your blog. They are really amazing!

Unknown said...

Wow Jason! Those are beautiful. I only went to Rockford a couple of times. But I remember a few cool old places there. Now tell me do you remember the house your mom and dad did the kitchen in burlap wallpaper?

MindyElias said...

I love the book cover/back :)

You are pretty creative.


♥Miya said...

I remember that house, granted I was never inside it. But wasn't it just a few houses away from Grandma and Grandpa's house?

Lydia said...

That door looks so coo.

annette said...

You've got an eye for art.

Teachinfourth said...

Anonymous - Thanks.

Kris - I'd forgotten about that nasty wallpaper...until just now.

ME - Maybe one day I'll rewrite the thing again and it will FINALLY be ready for publishing...

Meem - Across the street, one door down.

Lydia - It was pretty amazing. If I'd had more time, I'd have gone around town and found more 'photoworthy' stuff, but time didn't allow for it.

Nettle - Thanks.

Unknown said...

This is som amazing photos :)

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