Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moments with Joey - The Wave

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SCENE 1, INTERIOR. AFTERNOON, FIFTH GRADE CLASSROOM. The students have just returned from their various leveled math classes and are putting items into their desks before leaving for lunch. One boy sits, staring at the teacher silently for a few moments.

JOEY: Mr. Z?

TEACHER: What’s up, Joey?

[The boy says nothing but instead gives a little wave with his hand; the teacher shakes his head and continues to erase the Promethean board. A moment later the boy speaks again].

JOEY: Mr. Z?

[The teacher turns to the boy again who, in turn, merely gives another little wave and smiles. The teacher gives a little wave back and finishes erasing the board. The boy sits for a second longer then speaks again].

JOEY: Mr. Z?

[The teacher glances to the boy who gives another small wave and a sheepish smile. The teacher, who’d just picked up the remote control for the overhead projector, points it at the boy and presses the power button. The boy freezes in place].

TEACHER: Okay class, time for lunch. Please line up.

[The class lines up at the door and then heads into the hallway under the direction of the class president. The teacher glances around the room to see the boy still sitting frozen at his desk].

TEACHER: Joey, let’s go; it’s time for lunch.

[The boy remains frozen in place and speaks though clenched lips, very reminiscently of the tin woodsman from The Wizard of Oz].

JOEY: Turnh meee baack ooon pleezze, Mrstrr Zeeeee…

[The teacher hides a smile as he reaches for the remote control and pretends to click the power button. The boy immediately springs back into life, and rushes for the door with a hurried ‘Thanks.’ The teacher picks up his lunch sack as the boy opens the door into the hallway].

JOEY: Mr. Z?

[The teacher turns to look at the boy who stands for a silent beat. The boy then raises his hand and gives a small wave before disappearing through the door into the hallway.]

Fade to black.


Gerb said...

Can I adopt this kid? He'd fit in well around here.

Richard & Natalie said...

I think I might have to fight Gerb for adoption rights. He seriously cracks me up!

allison nadauld said...

Funny. What is Joey thinking?

Linn said...

I seriously adore this kid that I don't even know. He is hilarious!

Teachinfourth said...

G - Get in line…

N - This kid is a serious crack-up. I'd love to post more of his exploits, but then I'd have to change the name of the blog to 'Adventures and Misadventures of Joey.'

A - I have difficulty grasping what this kid's mind is doing at times, too. However, I enjoy what he does so much that it's all good.

L - Teachers aren't supposed to have favorites, but...

Shannon said...

Joey is going to be famous is inevitable!

Lana said...

cute story:)

Glad you liked the video, it is a pretty cool plane!

mamahasspoken said...

It's the Joeys in our lives that make our work wonderful.

Just SO said...

Love that kid.

Rachel said...

Yes, the Joey's and the Calvin's who make life interesting.....unless you are their mother.

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