Thursday, February 14, 2008


Pin It What do you write about when you have a million things you’d like to say? About the one that jumps out the most. I guess it is true that the squeaky wheel always seems to get the grease.

I recently wanted to buy something…I won’t say what, but suffice it to say that it was something that wasn’t truly necessary for my everyday life. However, it was so cool. Have you ever found yourself wanting something but, after the purchase, you really don’t know why you bought it? Was it just because it was such a screaming deal? So great you just couldn’t pass it up?

I did good. No elephants for me today.


Julie said...

"Brilliant!"....I would have to say that I have bought some "elephants" before. I don't know why we do this, but glad to know that someone else feels this way too.

shoezimm said...

Should I defend the book I bought last night now? Kidding! (but seriously, it was for educational purposes as per my instructor!) I am majorly guilty of this crime...I have a whole herd of white elephants that just beg to come home with me and then I am stuck trying to find a place for it. Its hard when you open up a box that you haven't been in for awhile, pull out all this stuff wondering "when did I buy THAT?" but the problem is that I also get excited when I see that stuff thinking "why is that in a box?" and knowing, if I had seen it in the store today I would still have purchased it!

Gerb said...

I am still trying to get over the whole mentality that something must be bought because it is a great deal. I can honestly say I am doing better each year!

Yancy said...

i'm use to be really good at this, but I'll admit...a couple of months ago I totally bought this jacket online cause it was "a good deal." I haven't worn it once.

summer said...

Can I order a poster the size of an elephant to help me remember this...although I think that would defeat the purpose of the message. My daughter told me in the Dollar Store the other day, "Mom, it's JUST a dollar - we should get it!" Whoa...I need to be a better example of not bringing home any elephants. Admittingly though, I have a small herd of elephants waiting in the car to go back to the store. :)

♥Miya said...

Roy and I were talking about this the other day, how people go crazy and buy up stuff they'd have previously never even taken a second glance at just because it's on sale.

Teachinfourth said...


We are not alone.


Yeah, sometimes I do that's still in the original packaging. Boy I SURE needed that one, didn't I?


Makes me think of Napoleon Dynamite, "Uhhhhhh, such a good deal!"


Isn't that sad? I've got clothes that just hang in the closet too.

Lord of Summer,

Sometimes, it is just too tempting to pass up. However, I think it can be just as bad when we buy these elephants to give to our friends as gifts as well...


Dad often talked about how there is so much out there that he never knew existed, but now that he knows, he just can't live without it. Strange how we were able to live 'without' for so long and now some of these elephants are vital for our survival...

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