I remember that Christmas was approaching, and I wanted to give my family something they could use all year long….but what could it be? As I thought about what gift I would like to give, I decided that a calendar would be great. However, instead of merely buying a calendar, I decided to create one.
After some careful thought, I decided that each month would be an advertisement for something. To be honest, I had no idea what any of these items would be at the outset. However, after some time and careful thought, I set out with my ‘brother,’ Jesse, to see what could be created.
On a side note, not too many people really realize the scope of this calendar and just how long it took to create. That is, until you know a little bit about my family. Those who understand that statement I just made realize that this project was a huge undertaking.
Now, for your viewing pleasure (should you decide to stay and take a gander) I present some of my favorite images from the calendar made some four years ago.
P.S. As I look back on these images I realize that if I were to redo it all again today, they would be much better. However, with time comes experience, and with experience comes mastery.
Enjoy these for what they’re worth…

OMG.....that is hysterical! I love it!!! :)
Those are some great pictures-love it!
Your mom talked about that, Its cool to see the pics....pretty amazing!
I enjoyed this post, looks like you guys had fun doing it. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
I hope this doesn't bother you to much but sometimes I just need to know where Jessie is. I know he thinks I favored you but you knew better. Tell Jessie to call home! Love, DAD
We all heard about this calendar and thought it sounded a little crazy at the time. I hadn't met you yet, so I admit it, I questioned your sanity. However, seeing the images I can't help but laugh. Well done!
I am proud to say that I still have my calendar....and I still am amazed at all of the work you put into it
good looking brother!
I remember you showing me that calendar - as "proof". It was pretty convincing...
Your Mom did tell me about this. Now that I have seen it I have to ask, Where is Jesse? Is he posing for GQ now? I always thought he was full of himself and you got all the smarts! Next time you make one of those calendars I want one!
ME - Thanks.
SB - They were fun to make.
DS - These were my favorites of the set.
DV - Have an excellent Christmas too!
Dad - I'll let him know. I'll send you his address in Missouri.
J&J - Glad I went from 'insane' to 'brilliant.' It's a much better place to be.
Shoe - Keep it, it'll be a collector's item one day.
Jayne - Say that again...
Gerb - You were a tough one to try to convince. I am sure the phone call helped in that, too.
Kris - Last I heard, he was working for a team researching urban myths. Go figure...
How clever is that!!
Oh. My. Goodness. Here I am going back to look at your photography to pick some favorites (which is impossible by the way, there are ALL amazing) and I run across this calendar. And I am absolutely sick from laughing.
I know I hardly know you, but first, any friend of Valerie's is a friend of mine. And second, I need to be your new friend so I can pay you to be this clever with my life. This is truly the funniest thing I have ever seen! And that is saying a lot, because I spend a lot of time looking for funny. And you just won that award, hands down!
Even if this comment is officially scaring you, I am still going to claim you as a friend. Just so I can show my husband this post and he can laugh as hard as I have.
Okay, back to looking at your photography. But with little hope of actually picking only one...or two...or ninety-seven.
Val - Like I said, if I were to redo it, it would be even better; however, it was fun.
Linn - Thanks for looking. I'll have to tell you about 'my brother' sometime in an email. You'll laugh even harder...
Hysterical and very creative. :) I bet it was a hit.
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