Wednesday, March 19, 2008

For you...

Pin It Sometimes life can turn on a dime. We feel that we know what the future will bring and yet, sometimes we are given little surprises...some good and some not so good.

You know who, this one is for you. Never forget that He who calmed the waters and winds is mindful of each one of us.


K.J. said...

wow... I am in tears.
That is very touching.
I really needed that today...everyday!

Emily said...

I didn't watch this the other day, I saw it for the first time right now. I don't know who it was for or what it was for, but it was exactly what I needed. I bawled like a baby and that's what I needed too. Thanks Jason. You're always out there making a difference, most of the time you don't even know it. But you're always in my thoughts and prayers and I'm so grateful to have you as a friend.

Teachinfourth said...


Me too...


It does the same thing for me. Sometimes I forget and need to be reminded...Love you too!

annette said...

Thank you for this. It's Easter today and I have not had a very good one. I needed this.

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